Chapter 1 - Trouble

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Warning: contains some cussing

Taehyung ran through the hallway as if he was running for his life. His feet beat down loudly on the hard, wooden floor and the noise echoed through the empty hall. This was not a good sign in the middle of a school day.

"Really," Tae thought to himself, "it isn't my fault that I'm late. School should really either start earlier or later, why pick such an awkward hour?"

He internally cringed at his own stupid excuse. There was no getting out of this one. He left home at four in the morning because he couldn't sleep and spent several hours wandering the constantly bustling streets of Seoul. He hadn't been in the city for a long time, something about its night life fascinated him.

He came to the school building way too early and decided to rest underneath the big oak tree by the entrance ... soon, however, he was fast asleep. And when he woke up it was already 11:30.

"Hey! Boy, what are you doing out of lessons?" a man yelled after him.

"Getting to my lesson!" Tae yelled back over his shoulder, not slowing down for a second. It was a bad idea as the man was surely a teacher, but Taehyung didn't have time to think it over.

He kept running -

And then he had to backtrack because he realised that he already passed the room he was looking for. He didn't have any time to spare, but he took the effort to run his fingers through his brown hair, pulling it back before it messily (but perfectly) fell back around his face. Then he pulled the black hood of his jacket over his head to hide the blush that appeared on his cheeks from the running.

A deep breath. A knock. A request to come in.

He walked into the classroom. Wide eyes and gasps followed him as he walked from the door to the young, male teacher at the front of the room.

"You must be Kim Taehyung," the teacher sighed. "Any reason you're so late?"

Tae took a second to think of all the possible responses he could give, but - considering he didn't want anymore trouble than he already had - he just bowed his head a little and muttered an apology.

The teacher sighed again. "Okay, make sure this doesn't happen again." He spoke with a smile, which made the man look so much more beautiful than before. Though the smile suddenly crumbled, "Please, no hoodies. Go sit at the back of the class, there's an empty desk near Jeon Jeongguk."

Tae moves towards the back of the room, but decided to ignore the comment about his hoodie. More eyes followed him. Actually, everyone was observing him, expect the boy who Tae believed was said Jeon Jeongguk and a shorter boy at the front of the classroom, whose head was hidden behind a book. Meanwhile, Jeongguk seemed to be asleep with his forehead resting against his arms which were comfortable placed on his desk.

Tae glared at some of the people who seemed to be judging him and avoided eye contact with the few girls who made the effort of winking or pouting at him.

"Unbelievable!" he thought to himself. "Is anyone here just nice and friendly?" Someone clicked their tongue at him as he passed. "Guessed not," he mumbled.

He slid into his seat and the lesson began to drag on.


Tae thought he heard something.


He looked around, but couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Hey, dumbass. Look to your right and down a little," the voice hissed at him.

He followed the instructions to find Jeon Jeongguk's eyes slightly open and glaring at him.

"What do you want?" Tae hissed back.

The boy rolled his eyes, "Why were you so late?"

Tae held back a groan, "How is that your fucking business?"

"Hey!" his voice raised a little. "Hold your fucking tongue."

"Jeon Jeongguk, Kim Taehyung." The teacher stood between them. Both boys stayed silent. "What exactly is so important that you think you can completely ignore my lesson?" his tone dripped with sarcasm, it stank of poison.

"Nothing, Mr Min." Jeongguk replies.

"Well, that 'nothing' will cost you a lunchtime. Find me in the teachers' office after class." A smile appeared on his face as both boys groaned. Suddenly, his eyes widened with an idea. "Park Jimin."

The boy, who previously had been completely lost in his book, looked up. Taehyung's eyes were immediately captured by the boy, whose reading glasses had slipped down the bridge of his nose. His lips were puckered and the bottom lip he had been chewing on just seconds ago stuck out in an especially seductive way.

Taehyung shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind as he blushed. Jeongguk noticed the shift in behaviour and his glare seemed to grow stronger.

"Can you come with Jeongguk and Taehyung? I've got the perfect punishment for them, you'll supervise." Mr Min explained his idea briefly and said Park Jimin nodded.

He turned around to look at Jeongguk and Taehyung to shoot them an apologetic look. Jeongguk smiles back at the boy, revealing adorable bunny teeth that were hidden behind a scowl when he had been talking to Taehyung.

Taehyung, however, was frozen.

Jimin was gorgeous, but there was something ... there was something there that sent an ice cold shiver down Tae's spine.

Only, he couldn't tell what it was. Or why he was suddenly so entranced by this stranger.

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