*Chapter 24 - Teddy Bear

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"Ah! Taehyung, it - it hurts," Jimin said as his hands clasped around his mouth, embarrassed by the noises that would escape from his parted lips every few seconds. Taehyung's dick twitched at every moan and whimper.

"Don't stop those beautiful noises, Jiminie, I want to hear more," Taehyung said seductively as his fingers reached deeper into Jimin, scissoring his tight entrance. Jimin shook his head as he bit down on his bottom lip, trying to be as quiet as possible. Taehyung huffed at Jimin's stubbornness.

He leaned down closer to Jimin's crotch and the older boy's eyes opened wider at the sight before him. As Taehyung inserted a third finger, his lips also encircled the tip of Jimin's dick.

"Mmm!" Jimin moaned behind his hands and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to wipe his mind of the incredible hot scene he'd just witnessed.

Taehyung smirked at the reaction and decided to continue; he ran his tongue down Jimin's length. Jimin screamed as he released his mouth but gripped Taehyung's hair instead. The younger boy pulled his fingers nearly all the way out before slamming them back in and sucking the head of Jimin's cock at the same time. Another scream, but - this time - it was accompanied by an unexpected sob.

"J-Jimin," Taehyung said, his voice hoarse. "Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Jimin shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. "W-What? Sorry I didn't hear —" Taehyung began saying, but the way Jimin looked up at him stopped him in his tracks. The words died in his throat.

"T-Too good, Taehyung-ie," Jimin stuttered. Taehyung hadn't entered him yet but he looked wrecked. His skin was blushed and his lips plump and red from him biting them, his skinny was covered by a thin layer of sweat and his eyes were lidded as he looked towards Taehyung. "I wo-won't be able to h-hold on."

Taehyung felt his eyes nearly roll to the back of his head from hearing that. "I won't let you hold on for much longer," he said with a smirk. Within seconds, his fingers had left Jimin's entrance - leaving him empty and angry. Taehyung tore the condom packet with his teeth and easily rolled the tight material on. The space was quickly filled with the tip of the younger boy's dick pressing against Jimin's entrance. Jimin yelped. "Ready?" Taehyung ask, slightly worried.

Jimin squeezed his eyes shut as he held his tiny hand up to Taehyung, fingers outstretched. Taehyung took it, intertwining their fingers, without hesitation. "Ready," Jimin confirmed.

Feeling Jimin's body tense up with the word, Taehyung leaned down and captured the older boy's lips. The kiss started off gentle, but - soon enough - that wasn't enough to satisfy the boys' desires. Jimin licked Taehyung's bottom lip and their tongues met. Saliva dropped down Jimin's chin as Taehyung's lips enveloped his.

The moan Jimin let out when Taehyung entered him was captured by Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung squeezed Jimin's hand tightly in the attempt to control his own moan and the desire to pound into Jimin harder. So much harder.

"Ah, Jimin," Taehyung mumbled against Jimin's lips. The younger felt Jimin's warmth envelope him as the older boy held his breath from the stretch. "R-relax a - little."

Jimin squeezed Taehyung's hand back and allowed the younger to go just a little bit deeper. His face scrunched up from the burning pain, he knew this would haunt him after but - when his eyes met Taehyung's - those worried were forgotten. Jimin reached for Taehyung's cheek with his free hand and caressed his soft skin. "I - I love you, Taehyung."

Taehyung's cheeks blushed. As Jimin was about to smile in response, a sudden yelp escaped from his mouth. "Did you just ... get larger?!" Jimin yelled out as his back arched off the bed.

Taehyung licked his lips from the sudden hunger he felt. "You can't blame me, Jiminie. My little friend reacts as is natural," he couldn't help but smirk. Jimin frowned back but that was quickly swept away as he felt Taehyung move. In one long motion, Taehyung pulled out nearly to the tip and in one quick move, he pounded back into Jimin.

Both boys groaned and moaned with each movement. With one particular thrust, Jimin's breath caught in his throat. "N-n-no! Ah! Taehyung!" he moaned as the younger hit his prostate, but the latter didn't slow down. "No! Wait. That feels - it feels weird!"

"That's your prostate, Chim," Taehyung smiled as he explained. "Don't worry. It'll feel good." Jimin shut his eyes tightly as Taehyung kept targeting that same bundle of nerves that made him cry out in the first place.

The room was filled to the brim with noises of pleasure and the sound of Taehyung's bed lightly hitting the wall with every thrust.


"Jiminie, I can't hold on. I need to pull out." Taehyung said as he was about to move, but Jimin quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled the younger back on top of him. They kissed: it was sloppy but the passionate movement of Jimin's tongue against his was all Taehyung needed to cum. The warm, white liquid filled the condom as Jimin's splurged in between him and Taehyung.

Taehyung collapsed on top of Jimin, not caring about the mess, simply being overwhelmed by exhaustion. Their heavy breaths still filled the room as all they could do was stare into each other's eyes.

"You wanna get that condom off?" Jimin smirked as he gestured towards Taehyung's length. The latter groaned, not wanting to move his arms. Jimin chuckled as he reached for it instead. He felt Taehyung tense up as his hands brushed against the younger boy's length and that only made him smirk harder. He pulled the condom off and knotted it before successfully throwing it into the bin. However, he didn't fail to notice the immense pain coming from the lower region of his body.

He groaned.

"You okay?" Taehyung ask innocently as his fingers tapped the smooth skin of Jimin's lower stomach.

"Mmm," Jimin hummed back. He tried to fight the temptation to say No. And guess who caused that. "Turn around," Jimin instructed instead.

"Wait! No! I'm tired, I can't—" Taehyung began to argue as a panicked expression crossed his face.

Jimin sighed and grinned internally at Taehyung's fear. "It's not that, idiot. I want to cuddle."

"O-oh," Taehyung said, embarrassed.

Jimin laughed.

"Hey," Taehyung frowned. "Fuck you."

"Too bad you already did," Jimin said. "Now, turn around. My tummy hurts and my teddy bear isn't here so you're gonna have to replace him."

Taehyung groaned but really he was giving himself a pat on the back. After all, not many people could find themselves boyfriends this cute.

As Taehyung turned his back to Jimin, the older boy hugged him around the waist as his chin pressed against Taehyung's shoulder.

"I love you," he said again. Only the words didn't leave his mouth this time, they just stayed inside his head.


I'm sorry I was gone for so long!!! I wrote two chapters to make up for it though!!!!!!

Love you guys, I can't believe how many views this story has reached!!! I'm so excited!

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