Chapter 4 - Ice cream

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Tae felt the days getting shorter as every night came faster than the one before. Of course, it only made him feel better; there was nothing quite like nightfall in Seoul.

He was hidden underneath another one of his many hoodies. His hands were buried deep in his pockets. He did not want to stand out, not when he couldn't control his powers.

Many people were still out: most of them drunk, some of them tipsy, a few tourists, and the rare old person who decided to abandon the comfort of their home to quickly pop into a corner shop.

Tae noticed an old lady, who was just barely managing to hold all her shopping bags, never mind walking through a thick crowd of people. No one helped her - and as guilty it made him feel - neither did Tae. That was the way his life worked.

"Halmeonim," a familiar, high-pitched voice spoke. "Would you like some help with that?"

Tae turned back to the old lady to see Jimin sitting in his wheelchair as he promptly placed the lady's heavy bags on his lap and tried to manoeuvre his way through the crowd.

The lady bowed and thanked him multiple times as she pulled her last shopping bag along with her behind Jimin.

"God. He's so stupid," Tae thought to himself. "He's hurt and yet he still manages to have enough strength to help others." Tae sighed as he pulled down his hood and tried to move closer to Jimin, he decided that he could help at least a little.

He came up to Jimin without saying a word and grabbed half of the things in the boy's lap to carry them himself. Jimin looked confused as he stared back at Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ssi?" he said so quietly, it sounded more like a purr. "Are you okay?"

Tae sighed again, "You should really know your limits, Jimin-ssi. You can't offer to help someone if you're gonna be stuck in this crowd."

Jimin's face scrunched up into a frown. It surprised Tae, he didn't think the boy could make an expression that would make him look any cuter than he already did.

"I have no limits!" Jimin announced loudly. "If someone needs help, I'm going to be the first one to offer them help. No second guessing myself, no backing out. Just like you today," he added with a happy smile.

What he said struck Tae's heart like an arrow. Tae wasn't sure whether he should feel proud and appreciated or disappointed with himself because clearly Jimin only saw the best in Taehyung. He saw the little bit of the superhero "V" that was left over, not the real Taehyung.

"Now! Let's help halmeonim!" Jimin said enthusiastically as he pushed the wheels of his wheelchair forward way too quickly, riding over several people's feet. A few of them turned around to glare at him, but quickly moved away once they registered that he was in a wheelchair.

To Taehyung, it looked as though those people were backing away from a monster, in fear.

"What are you looking at?" Tae snapped at them, quietly, so Jimin wouldn't hear him.

"Thank you, boys." The old lady bowed to them, thanking them for about the fifth time already. "I don't know what I would've done had you not helped me," she smiled.

It was a very sweet smile.

She took each bag, one by one and carried it from Taehyung and Jimin into her house. After she took the last bag, Taehyung and Jimin turned around to leave but the lady stopped them.

She gave both of them a Samanco ice cream and quickly rushed back into her house before they could return them back.

Jimin and Taehyung just looked at each other before both of them started to giggle

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Jimin and Taehyung just looked at each other before both of them started to giggle.

"Ah," Taehyung breathed out happily. "If only all old ladies gave out Samanco ice creams." Jimin jabbed Tae's side with his elbow and Tae let out an exaggerated "Ouch!"

"You don't need Samanco ice cream at nine in the evening. The sugar rush won't let you sleep," he said.

"Yeah, but it's worth it. Speaking of which: why are you out and about at nine in the evening?" Tae asked as both boys walked into a quiet little park so Tae could sit down on a swing and enjoy his ice cream.

"I could ask you the same question," Jimin said.

"I'll take that as a 'I don't want to say'," Tae grinned and Jimin nodded.

"But what's with your black hoodie obsession? Have you got nothing better to wear?" Jimin asked. Tae quickly glanced at Jimin's outfit. He looked adorable with a long-sleeved, black and white striped shirt; a fluffy, sky blue jumper (both were clearly too big on him); denim shorts; long socks; and a completely clean pair of sneakers.

"Yeah, well, I would look ridiculous if I was dressed like you," he mumbled as he bit into the ice cream. The delicious taste of vanilla and red bean paste filled his mouth and he let out a sweet hum in pleasure.

Jimin chuckled at his reaction. "No, you're really handsome, I don't think you would look ridiculous. Though you would look better in something more sexy."

Tae nearly choked on his ice cream. "Jimin-ssi!" he exclaimed. "No! That's a no-no!" He yelled in English.

(Can you spot my reference, any Youngjae fans?)

"Shh," Jimin shushed Tae through tears of laugher. "Shh, Taehyungie, someone might hear you," he laughed. He brought his small hand to Tae's face to cover his mouth, but that did little to shut Taehyung up.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you called me sexy!" Tae yelled even louder, bringing emphasis on the last word as if he wanted the whole world to know.

Jimin gasped, " I never - Hey! Stop twisting my words. Even though that may be true, I never actually said it."

Tae grinned and Jimin blushed when he realised what he'd just said.

"Fuck you, Kim Taehyung," he quietly mumbled as he hid his reddened face behind his long sleeves.

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