Chapter 12 - Fight

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Meh, I don't know if this chapter is very good. I wrote it in one go, in bed, very late at night. I'm not gonna check for spelling or grammar mistakes, please ignore them. I promise next chapter will be better.


Everything else in Jeongguk's memory was foggy. There were flashes.

Someone appeared in front of him. Knocking him out of the way; further from the moving cars, but still in danger of being hit.

Their eyes connected.

That was the only part of his saviour Jeongguk could remember, the rest of his face was in darkness because of the black hoodie he wore.

(Subtle, I know.)

Another flash.

Another car came at them.
The driver didn't have enough time to hit the breaks.
The large van spun, but kept moving towards them.


A body hit the van as - moments before - that same body knocked the two boys out of harm's way.

That body now laid on the ground. Bloody.

Jeongguk remembered the way he felt when he stared at Jimin's seemingly lifeless body. The older boy was curled in on himself like a little animal, trying to keep warm. He remembered the scream that broke through the air as Jimin's mother stepped out of a car that parked next to the knocked down van.

By then, the mysterious boy who saved Jeongguk had disappeared, as if he hadn't been there at all. Jeongguk wasn't sure if he was just a figment of his imagination in the first place. Everything felt so surreal: it felt like a dream - or rather, a nightmare.

"Jeongguk! Jeongguk!"

The voice that had helped him so many times before attended to wake him up from the painful flashback.

The blurry image of Yoongi standing in front of him came into focus again. Jeongguk shook his head to get his thoughts back on track.

"You can't leave, Yoongi-hyung," Jeongguk begged. He seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Yoongi sighed, "Jeongguk, this isn't up for debate. I can't stay at this school having done what I did."

"You didn't f*cking do anything!" Jeongguk yelled as he felt the threads of self-control snapping. "It was all me, okay?!"

"Jeongguk, please. Just ... calm down."

"No!" Jeongguk declared. "I'm not going to unless you agree to stay." He walked further into his teacher's apartment and threw himself onto the worn down sofa. "And I'm not planning to leave either."

"Why are you acting like a child?" Yoongi asked, clearly annoyed with the younger.

"I don't know. Why do you treat me like one?" Came Jeongguk's cocky reply.

Yoongi chuckled, "Fair enough."

Jeongguk couldn't help smiling as he made himself comfortable on the couch as he watched Yoongi get on with his work, admiring him.

Jimin pushed at the wheels of his wheelchair, trying to get it to go faster - faster - faster

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Jimin pushed at the wheels of his wheelchair, trying to get it to go faster - faster - faster. It was impossible. Humans had limitations just as this piece of metal did, only - with his human legs - Jimin could do so much more.

Oh, what he wouldn't give to be able to take just a few steps. The doctors said he wouldn't. But then again, they didn't believe he would wake up in the first place so Jimin put very little faith in them in return.

As he made his way further down the street, completely giving up on getting his chair to move faster, he heard voices. Then he heard them shout. And then the echoes of kicking and punching reached him.

With no second thought, he started to move towards the chaos.

"What the hell?" he mumbled to himself as he heard laugher and giggling after every punch and cry of pain.

Soon he saw a group of people, teenagers, quite a few years younger than him. They surrounded another boy like vultures waiting for their next meal.

They boy looked thin and helpless, his left eye was purple and puffy - a sign of how much he had already been through. He was crying, which caused the people around him to laugh more.

"No, not people," Jimin thought. "They're bloody monsters."

All the voices inside Jimin's head were telling him to stay back - to just ignore it - but his conscience ruled over all those voices. It told him to help. The thing that cursed Jimin ever since he could remember.

Help. Jimin had to help.


He didn't care. He would figure it out, he always did.

"Hey!" Jimin yelled. They didn't hear him. "You punks!" No. No one noticed. "You mother-f*ckers, listen when someone is talking to you!" (Okay, Jimin wouldn't say that but I'm honestly getting mad at these people while I'm writing this.)

The boy - who had, only seconds ago, been kicking at the smaller body on the floor - turning to Jimin. His face scrunched up and he began to laugh.

"What the f*ck is a little boy who can't even walk yet gonna do to us?" he spat out. His friends laughed.

"'Little boy'? Hey! I'll tolerate that insult from my friends, but not from an idiot like you." Jimin's voice didn't shake and his body concealed all the fear he felt deep down. "And if you're so big, why don't you go and pick on someone you're own size?"

The boy's psychotic grin fell and some of his friends snickered; knowing what was to come. "Hmm. Well, before you jump to any conclusions, why don't you hear our reason?"

Jimin frowned, " Nothing can justify what you're doing."

"Oh! Yeah!" The boy's smile returned. "This here is little Kunpimook. He's gay." The large boy gestured at the skinny kid lying on the dirty ground. He stopped there as if it was a good enough reason for what he had been doing.

"And?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"And he deserves to pay," one of the big guy's friends replied. He grabbed the skinny boy by the hair and pulled him up to reveal the boy's beaten down face.

"Get away from him!" Jimin warned.

"Or what?"

Jimin smirked, "Or you'll get to find out first hand that I'm not as vulnerable as I may seem."

"Ha!" The guy smirked. "Bring it on."

Jimin's past didn't leave him without anything to defend himself with.

The muscles that hid beneath his shirt were still as powerful as ever, even more so when he lost all usage of his legs.

They were ready for a fight if that was ever necessary.


Hey! Did you catch my Bambam reference? I honestly mean no harm to Bambam, he just sort of worked in that scenario. 💕 Bambam 💕

Anyway, I underlined a line that may or may not come into play later in the story. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

This really was never meant to get this dark and serious. I hate myself so much. How am I gonna get out of this mess?!

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