Chapter 20 - Help Me

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I'm sorry I disappeared for a while!! School life isn't exactly life, it's just work!! There's no time!! Surprisingly though, one of my lessons inspired me to write something that may or may not happen in a future chapter, I don't know yet.

This is quite a long chapter. Please enjoy.

And yes, for the convenience of this story, Yoongi somehow teaches every lesson. It's fiction, guys. :)))))


Jungkook was half an hour late to his second lesson and completely missed the first one. His hair was tousled and he looked only half there and half ... somewhere far, far away. His mind seemed to be wondering off to different things.

"Pst." Jungkook heard something but ignored it. "Pst!" He ignore it again, not sure where the noise was coming from; not sure whether he cared. "Hey! You bratty jerk! At least respond to me!" The person hissed between gritted teeth. Jungkook clicked his tongue as he just kept his head facing forward, he finally realise who was talking.

"Incase you didn't know," Jungkook whispered still not looking at Taehyung. "We're at school and school is for learning. You can't learn if you keep talking."

"Aish," Taehyung mumbled. "You don't seem to want to learn considering you missed one and a half hours of school already and you seem to be drifting off to sleep. Bad night?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he listening to Taehyung talk. He hated everything. Even his voice.

"Every night for the past two years has been a bad one for me, 'V'." Jungkook grinned to himself as he quickly glanced towards Taehyung, hoping to get some sort of reaction. However, what he got wasn't what he expected. Taehyung glared at him but didn't seem angered by the nickname.

"I don't care what you know or, rather, what you think you know. You should be ashamed of how much you hurt Jimin yesterday. He thought he lost both of us and I've never seen him so distraught before. At least, I tried to help. You did nothing," Taehyung said, hoping to get Jungkook to regret what he did, but Jungkook's response was ... different.

He laughed.

Most of the class turned to face them and so did Mr Min. He groaned internally when he realised who it was.

"Jungkook, Taehyung, would you like to keep your private conversations outside of my lessons?" Yoongi's voice was barely above a whisper. As a teacher, he was supposed to stop them from talking, but - as an ordinary human being - he didn't want to be heard. Not after what he did yesterday. (Will be clarified in the next chapter.)

"I don't have to be ashamed of anything," Jungkook declared as he stood up to look down on Taehyung. Taehyung frowned as he stood up too, coming closer to Jungkook. He was still shorter, but only by a little bit.

"What the hell are you saying?" Taehyung hissed. "Calm down and sit your ass down."

Jungkook snickered. "No, I'm not gonna be controlled anymore. I'm not in the wrong here, I was treated like sh*t so I can treat others like sh*t, too. Jimin is an angel for all of you, isn't he?! And I'm just the idiot who has been chasing his best friend ever since he was little, hoping - wishing - to get something in return! Well, I'm not gonna be stupid anymore! I'm not gonna be naïve. Ever since you came, everything has been getting worse and worse." Jungkook's eyes narrowed on Taehyung. He grabbed Taehyung's collar. The older boy was pulled so close up to Jungkook's chest, he could feel the rise and fall of the younger boy's chest as he breathed. "I never had a chance with Jimin, he never considered my feelings, NEVER. But then you find a way to steal him away without even trying. It wouldn't hurt as much if it was a girl, I would just think that he's bloody straight, but no. Of course, I'm just never good enough. And I'm done with waiting. I'm done with being played. I'll be the one in control from now one and I want nothing to do with you or Jimin. You guys have ruined my life enough." Then he turned towards Yoongi and glared at him too.

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