*Chapter 23 - Strawberry

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Need I say that there is smut?


Jimin shuffled awkwardly as he sat on Taehyung's bed, back pressed against the wall, waiting for Taehyung to come back from the shower he simply insisted that he had to take. It was strange sitting on Taehyung's bed with Taehyung's sheets bunched up around Jimin's thighs and Taehyung's things surrounding him with Taehyung's scent in the air. Jimin thought his mind might just run away with the idea of Taehyung all around him.

Jimin tilted his head up, glancing at the white ceiling as he breathed in: deep, heavy breathes; feeling the way every breath reminded him of the fact that the boy he liked was probably naked in the other room with just a thin wall and flimsy wooden door separating them.

"Nope," Jimin told himself as he heard his breath catch in his throat at his thoughts. "Calm down, Jimin. It's not okay to think things like that."

He thought back to the first time the two of them kissed.

Oh no. Oh, God, no!

He felt his face blush at the memory, but it was too late to stop himself now. With little things that reminded him of Taehyung all around him, how could he stop? The memory of Taehyung pushing his knee harder against Jimin's crotch suddenly filled the latter's mind, and filled the space that was once in his jeans with it, making Jimin squire uncomfortably.

"Shit," he mumbled. "I guess I'm screwed now."

What could he do? Taehyung would be out any minute now and Jimin didn't want to come across as too eager.

But it hurt. It hurt really badly as his dick was constrained by his jeans.

"Aish! Who cares anyway?" Jimin defended himself as he reached for the zipper and unzipped it. He flinched at the slightly cooler air and the sudden desire for more friction. "Calm down, calm down, calm down," he told himself as he pressed his back harder against he wall, hoping the pain might make his sexual desires subside.

He heard the water in the bathroom stop flowing. And - not long after - light steps approached the door; it was unlocked. Jimin grabbed the sheets closest to him and attempted to cover his crotch area, only just managing before Taehyung stepped out of the bathroom: his naked body only covered by a towel, his skin soft and moist as the water from his head dropped down onto his chest.

Jimin quickly looked away, feeling himself get harder if that was possible. "Took you long enough," he said jokingly as he fiddled with a little square-shaped package that was underneath he sheets he pulled over his crotch.

"Ha," Taehyung smirked. "Didn't think you'd be that impatient." Jimin was incredibly afraid that Taehyung managed to read through him that easily before he released that Taehyung was actually referring to the little package in the older boy's tiny hands: the condom that Taehyung hid underneath the sheets.

"Ew. How thirsty can you get?" Jimin laughed as he threw the condom at Taehyung.

Taehyung caught it and shrugged, "It's the first time I've ever felt this way." The younger clearly misunderstood Jimin's joke, but his serious response made the latter completely forget about that. All he could think about was Taehyung, again.

Their eyes met with a long, instense, hungry stare.

Jimin whimpered internally as he gripped the sheets, turning his knuckles white, when he felt his dick ache, begging for some sort of recognition.

Taehyung moved closer and soon made his knees on either side of Jimin's outstretched legs and the younger's hands were pressed flat against the wall behind Jimin. No way to escape, but - for once - Jimin was glad of it. He didn't want to slip away.

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