Chapter 19 - Regret

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(Self-promotion what) feel free to check out my Yoonseok book (Post-it Note) that I'm currently working on, BUT only if you're okay with reading slightly depressing and suicidal quotes. I wasn't so sure about this book before, but I have finally devised a plot *manic laughter* No high expectations please.

Also, I recommend reading jbmtjr_luhan new book for any Yoonmin fans, but I don't really think she needs my help with promoting it. It's just really good. 😊

Otherwise, please enjoy another long chapter that starts out terribly, but gradually gets more terrible. EnJoY!


Yoongi laughed as his cheeks blushed bright red, his arms wrapped around Hoseok's shoulder. Jin grabbed another bottle of soju to spread around the three men. Namjoon's arms were wrapped around Jin's waist as he slept on the older man's shoulder.

"Are you serious?" Jin called out as he laughed. "Did that kid really run into the mirror?"

Hoseok nodded. He was a dance couch at a very prestigious school, but somehow he always came to his friends with a ridiculous story to tell. This time it was about one of his ballet students pirouetting into the mirrored wall.

Yoongi laughed again, too drunk to actually comprehend what he was laughing at. "Well, at least your students aren't causing you trouble like mine are," he said as he reached for more alcohol.

"How so?" Hoseok asked, clearly less drunk than Yoongi, but still pretty tipsy.

"Ah," Yoongi sighed. "You don wanna know." He cringed at how slurred his words sounded, but still took another long gulp.

"No, tell us, Yoongi." Jin said as he pushed Namjoon's head of his shoulder and the younger man's head hit the carpeted floor with a soft 'bang'. He didn't wake up.

Yoongi sighed again. "No," he said stubbornly. "You guys will think I'm stupid for getting myself into this mess."

"Yoongi." Even when drunk, Jin still managed to sound like a mother. "What did you do?"

Yoongi mumbled something.

"What?" Hoseok asked.

Another mumble.

"Come again."

"I kissing a f*cking student, okay?!"Yoongi yelled.

"Aish!" Hoseok exclaimed. "How did you manage that?"

"I don't know. I never meant for it to happen," Yoongi responded.

"And what are you gonna do now?" Seokjin asked.

"I know I should leave, but there are certain students that I can't just abandon," Yoongi said. His thought drifted back to Jungkook and Jimin ... and that new boy - Kim Taehyung.

"Guys," Hoseok suddenly said. Both men looked at him, hoping he would change the topic. "There's this smoking hot guy I met at my local supermarket..."


One second, Jungkook and Jimin were curled up on the couch watching Despicable Me and munching on ice cream mochi and, the next second, Jimin had to open up his big mouth and force tears to well-up in Jungkook's eyes.

"You-you lied to me," the younger boy muttered as he held back the tears. He knew he looked pathetic and that angered him. "All this f*cking time, you knew - you knew perfectly well that I love you and you pretended like you didn't!"

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