*Chapter 21 - To Blame

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Warning ⚠️ Yoonkook smut, what more can I say?

This chapter is not exactly important in the plot of the story, so you don't have to read it if this pairing makes you uncomfortable. I will summarise any important events in the next chapter.

Please enjoy!!! Sorry, it's quite long. I tried proof reading this, but I feel like I missed loads of stuff.



Yoongi finally let out the breath he was holding through the entire drive. He was so lucky he didn't meet any policemen on he way. Drunk driving doesn't tend to look too good on permirent records. As he stepped out of he car, he suddenly felt himself sober up as the cold air hit him, but a light drowsiness followed him around.

He walked towards Jungkook's front door. He knew the boy would be alone now, he usually was. His parents were always on business trips, never having enough time for their own child, and Jungkook didn't have any siblings so there wasn't anyone that could be there.

He knocked on the door. Silence. He knocked again. No response. He began to panic. He knocked continuously.

"Jungkook? Jungkook! Open the door, will you?! Jungkook! I swear, you little b*tch, if you forced me to drive all the way here for nothing..." Yoongi began to angrily mumble to himself. Suddenly, he heard a loud groan from inside the house.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi called out.

The door slowly slid open to reveal a very worn out Jungkook standing behind it, trying to hide himself.

He looked sleepy, he's eyes were lidded and red, his lips looked sore, his hair looked messy, his shirt was crinkled, and - most worrying to Yoongi - the boy wasn't wearing any trousers. Just an oversized grey t-shirt and a pair of black boxers.

Yoongi gulped and tried to keep his eyes off Jungkook's juicy thighs. (Don't worry, I cringed too.) As his eyes moved back to Jungkook's face, he noticed how lifeless the boy looked.

"Hyung, do you have some alcohol on you?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi frowned because that was the first thing Jungkook said to him.

"No. Since when does your hyung bring you alcohol, hmm?" Yoongi replied as he crossed his arms. Jungkook looked down at the ground in dismay and shivered as he cold wind brushed past his exposed skin. "Come on. Let's get you inside and to bed."

"You're not my dad, Yoongi. Don't start with your responsible adult bullsh*t. I know it's fake," Jungkook said as Yoongi stepped into the house. The warmth engulfed him and the drowsiness suddenly became overwhelming.

"No, but I can be your daddy instead," Yoongi smirked. He was subconsciously surprised by what he said, but he wasn't sure if he felt proud of saying it or quite ashamed.

Jungkook chuckled, "You're drunk, aren't you?"

Yoongi felt his mood fall. He frowned, "No. I'm not." He sounded like a stubborn child and that warmed Jungkook's heart a little. He might almost forget about Jimin, almost.

Jungkook reached for the older boy's wrist and pulled him further into the house. Yoongi refuses to move.

"What are you doing? Do you just want to stay in the corridor?" Jungkook asked; he sounded a little irritated, a little impatient.

"I don't wanna," Yoongi said stubbornly.


"My feet hurt."

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