Chapter 2 - Accident

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Jimin was sitting on a thin picnic blanket on a small hill that looked down onto the school gardens. The branches of a large oak tree hung over him, hiding him away from the sunlight, as his back was pressed against the trunk of the tree with his books and notes piled around him. Honestly, the tree looked old and the large branches above him looked like they were going to give up to the forces of gravity any second now.

Jimin was in this position before Jeongguk and Taehyung arrived with Mr Min. He gave them both a sweet smile and Tae was 100% sure his heart had stopped, at least for the duration of the smile. He couldn't get around the fact that Jimin's eyes smiled too.

"Okay, boys," Mr Min said. "You can start with the school garden."

"Start what?" Jeongguk asked, his tone sounded to casual, as if Min Yoongi and him were old friends.

Yoongi frowned, "Sweeping, trimming, replanting, peeling gum off the benches, cleaning the picnic tables, collecting the garbage - "

"Okay, Okay. I think we get it," Jeongguk interrupted.

"Hey," Yoongi's tone grew strict. "I may not be a full time teacher, but I'm at the very least your hyung, you punk. Show some respect."

Jeongguk completely ignored the remark, meanwhile Taehyung couldn't hold back a chuckle because of the situation.

"Get to work!" Yoongi shouted at them as he left, mumbling something about 'spoiled brats' as he got farther away.

"The spoiled brats can still hear you, Yoongi-hyung!" Jeongguk yelled after the man. He then turned around to shoot Taehyung a look before showing him the way to the broom cupboard.

The sun felt hot against Tae's skin and the thin layer of dirt that seemed to be coating everything by now wasn't helping.

Only fifteen minutes had passed. They had another forty five minutes to go.

He stood up from the small, torn apart weeds he drug out of the ground and wiped at his moist forehead only to smear dirt across it.


Taehyung turned around to see Jimin waving him over to the oak tree and the boy happily came closer.

"Jimin-ssi?" he asked as he leaned over the boy.

"You must be tired. I have a drink for you," Jimin replied in a cute high pitched voice. He dug in his bag for a second before pulling out a couple of cans, offering Tae the first choice.

"Ah, no! I can't -" Tae was about to protest but Jimin interrupted him.

"Please, have some." Another cute expression formed on him face. Jimin pouted at him and Taehyung felt all his internal organs melting into one -

No! No! He would not fall head over heels for a boy he's just met.

"No, that's a bit difficult." Tae showed Jimin his hands, which were completely covered in mud: stiff, drying mud.

"Oh," Jimin sighed as he looked disappointedly at the ground.

Tae felt a guilty tingle in his chest.

""Well ... I suppose I could have a little sip, if you help me." He plopped himself down on the picnic blanket next to Jimin. The smile reappeared instantly on the smaller boy's face. Jimin's tiny hands caught Taehyung's attention as they grew white with the effort it took to open the can.

Taehyung heard himself gasp, "How the - how the hell can you get anything done with these?" He grabbed Jimin's thin wrist with his large hand and waved it around.

Jimin just chuckled, "I manage. I'm not that helpless." Taehyung's insides fluttered, but he suddenly felt reality whack him on the side of the head causing him to let go of Jimin.

And then he realised that that reality was, in fact, Jeongguk throwing mud at him.

"Don't slack off!" The boy yelled.

"Aish!" Tae replied. "How does that give you the right to physically abuse me?"

The younger boy picked up another handful of mud as he pretended to throw it. Tae winced, attempting to hide himself from the attack, only to have Jeongguk laugh at him. Tae stuck his tongue out and the younger boy did the same in response.

Jimin grinned, "Don't worry, Taehyung-ssi. Kookie's always like this."

Unexpectedly, Jimin's hand reached towards Tae's face and the latter felt himself flinch at the action and his eyes shut firmly out of reflex.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" Jimin asked as he brushed the mud out of Taehyung's hair. His voice sounded genuinely worried for Taehyung, which the latter couldn't understand. He was more than capable of taking care of himself.

"No," Tae replied after quickly opening his eyes again. "Just really, really embarrassed," he thought to himself. "No worries."

"That's good," Jimin said. There was a quick snapping sound and soon Jimin's hand raised towards Tae's face again. He was holding the open can to Tae's lips. "Hmm?" he hummed.

The taller boy's lips quivered as they parted for Jimin to press the can closer and gently tip it. Jimin watched as Tae's Adam's apple bobbed up and down, becoming more and less prominent with every gulp.

"Watch out!" someone yelled from a classroom above them as a window pane that had been knocked out of its frame came falling towards them.

As the glass connected with the branches above Jimin, it shattered into thousands of tiny pieces bringing the weak, but heavy, branches down with them.

Jimin didn't move, he sat there, watching the rainfall of glass coming towards him.

Taehyung had to do something, so he did the one thing he could.

He threw his own body over Jimin's, hiding the boy completely. The shards of glass easily pierced through his clothes and punctured his skin. Meanwhile, the fallen branches caught both boys beneath them. Trapping them against each other.

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