Chapter 9 - Serendipity

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To anyone who hasn't watch the video, YOU MUST. Jimin is an adorable angel who must be loved and protected. Anyway, things turn a little bit more romantic in this chapter.


It seemed like Jimin and Taehyung shared many interests and habits. Both enjoyed to drown out the outside world with music, both preferred to keep their secrets ... secret, both spent more time outside than at home, and both enjoyed to take walks at three in the morning with a full moon guiding their way.

Jimin struggled to manoeuvre the wheels of his wheel chair up and around the gradual, stony steps of a little pathway the two had discovered. Taehyung pushed Jimin's chair along gently and subtly so the boy wouldn't notice.

All it took was a gentle push after all. Tae knew that his powers were coming back, there was no avoiding it. He felt that with every person he lent a helping hand to, his fingertips buzzed more and the muscles covering his body clenched and grew.

"Jiminie?" Tae asked again. "Are you sure you can manage?"

"Yes," Jimin sighed. "Yes, I'm sure I can but that doesn't seem to stop you from pushing me along."

Tae blushes and pulled his hand away. With the sudden movement, Jimin's chair rolled backwards a few steps before Tae quickly caught it again.

"Pushing me along with quite a lot of effort I see," Jimin laughed. "Now, think about it. If I was walking - rather than moving in a wheelchair - but repeatedly tripping, would you be pushing me forward?"

Tae thought for a second. "Well, no but ... you're not walking. You're on wheels and gravity is working against that. Plus, before I met you, I would have avoided helping anyone."

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed. "Why's that?"

"Why are you outside at three in the morning?" Taehyung asked back.

"Got it," Jimin laughed. He was aware that Taehyung wouldn't open up to him about everything and he accepted that. Jimin wasn't planning to lay out his entire life story before Tae either. "When is this path ending anyway?" He changed the subject. "It feels like we're not getting anywhere."

Taehyung nodded. He let more power flow to his hands as he pulled the chair over every single step, pushing it faster.

"Ah!" Jimin yelped as his body hit the back of the chair. "Taehyungie~" he whined. "Slow down~"

Taehyung smiled at the cute response. "No," he mumbled as he pushed the chair faster and began to run.

Jimin threw his head back and laughed, "Taehyung-ah~" he cried as the chair jumped up and down over the pebbly ground making Jimin bob with it. "Stop~! Stop it~!"

Tae laughed. "Jiminie~" he imitated the other boy. "Make up your mind: I thought you wanted to get to the end of the path and now you're telling me to stop. I can't do both."

"Slow down," he replied. However, the path came to a wide opening before Taehyung had the chance to consider whether to tease Jimin more or give in to his begging.

"Damn it," he mumbled. "I wish it had been a little longer."

"Shut up!" Jimin yelled from his wheelchair. "And don't touch my wheelchair again! I would have been better off getting up here without you!" The older boy was struggling to make his tone sound serious, but the smile that pulled at his lips didn't make the act very believable.

"Well," Tae said. "You can try getting back down by yourself then." Jimin pouted at him and the latter laughed. Before he could say anything else, he heard Jimin gasp.

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