Chapter 3 - Wheelchair

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Several people tried to lift up the large branches that now covered the boy's and, with every movement, the branches only crushed them more.

Tae could easily lift them up without any help, but he promised himself to never use those powers again. He wasn't about to break that promise. Then he heard a light whimper from Jimin. The noise stabbed at his chest.

When he looked down, he noticed how the boy was clutching his arm, which was trapped underneath Tae's knee. He must have landed on top of Jimin's arm when he jumped up to cover him.

Tae just wanted to protect the boy, why did he keep hurting people instead?

He pushed himself up causing all the branches to topple around them. Several people gasped when they saw the two boys were completely safe. The crowd surrounding them was thick.

Tae stood up to get away from all the eyes that followed him, but a loud grown stopped him.

Jimin was still laying on the ground, in pain.

Tae was about to turn back to help him, but Jeongguk was there faster. He quickly scooped the boy up and set him down in a wheelchair before pushing him back towards the school building.

Tae wasn't sure how the wheelchair had so conveniently appeared on the other side of the tree, he wasn't sure why Jeongguk looked like he was about to cry as he picked the boy up, but he knew that he wouldn't just leave Jimin.

So he followed them.

It was a matter of seconds before Jimin got to the nurse's office, with both Taehyung and Jeongguk panting from the run.

"How do you manage to get into so much trouble in the fifteen minutes you had to yourselves?" Yoongi said through his teeth as he watched the nurse wrap a bandage around Jimin's arm.

"Hyung," Jeongguk begged. "There's no time for that, Jimin's hurt." He turned to the nurse, "Will he be alright?"

The nurse nodded, "Yes, of course. It's nothing major."

"Yeah, his arm should be fine," Tae said as he thought back to Jimin laying on the ground, "but what about his legs?"

Everyone in the room turned towards him. "What about them?" the nurse asked. Jimin seemed to completely ignore the conversation as he cradled his arm like a hurt puppy.

"Well," Taehyung said. "He couldn't stand up so I thought - "

"Taehyung," Yoongi stopped him. "Jimin wouldn't have been able to stand up either way." His expression was cold as if he was begging Tae not to ask anymore questions.

"What do you mean?" Tae mumbled.

"He means that Jimin can't walk," Jeongguk said bluntly. "Is that clear enough for you."

Taehyung wanted to defend himself, he wanted to say something back, but he felt a pit form in his chest from the news.

Why couldn't Jimin walk? Why didn't Tae realise - ?

"Guys," Jimin chimed, returning to his usual self. "Could you take me back to the classroom please? I don't like the smell of the office, it reminds me of the hospital."

Jeongguk's face quickly softened as he nodded and started to pull the wheelchair out of the office. Tae followed the two boys out.

He noticed the way Jeongguk talked to Jimin as if the latter was the most precious thing in the world to him. He also noticed the way Jimin seemed to grow a little colder when he talked to Jeongguk as if there was something he was hiding. Tae felt the tingle of jealousy that started up in his gut as he watched the two talk.

And he knew that that feeling shouldn't be there.

He also felt the curiosity that followed him around as he walked next to Jeongguk. Why was Jimin in a wheelchair? His eyes settled on the boy as they walked. He was sure Jimin used to be able to walk. It was the build up of thick muscles in his legs, they made him look like an athlete. Maybe the wheelchair was just for a temporary fracture?

Jimin's eyes interlocked with his and Tae quickly looked away at which Jimin grinned.

"Thanks," he said.

"Huh?" Tae replied, confused.

Jimin grinned harder, "For basically saving me."

"What are you saying?" Tae frowned, "It was my fault you hurt your hand."

"Well," Jimin said. "If you weren't there, I would have had more to deal with than a slight pain in the arm."

Tae felt like a fan girl, this boy was the cutest thing he had ever seen. This wasn't even fair.

Let's all quickly appreciate Jimin's cuteness

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Let's all quickly appreciate Jimin's cuteness .

"Ugh," Jeongguk groaned. "If you guys are gonna be any sappier, I'll just leave."

"No one asked you to stay," Taehyung smirked.

"No one asked you to follow us and yet you are still here," Jeongguk remarked.

"Yeah, whatever, Kookie~" Tae teased.

Jeongguk punched him in the arm with a classic poker face. However, that crumbled to reveal pain as soon as his fist connected with Tae's arm.

"God - f - damn it - shh," a mix-up of random sounds tumbled out of his mouth. "God! Do you have bricks for arms?" he yelled as he clutched his arm.

Jimin folded over in laugher, "Should we go back to nurse-noona to get your hand bandaged too?" he joked.

Only Tae realised that what had just happened was far from a joke. His powers were coming back and they were coming back faster and stronger than before.

This wasn't good. This really wasn't good.

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