My Life Is Easy! (Please Note the Sarcasm)

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    Violet's PoV 

     My name is Violet. Violet Jackson. I'm fifteen with grey-green eyes and light brown hair. I'm not human. My parents says we are but since they're half god they aren't. That means I'm not either.

     My mom is an architect. She's actually really pretty with storm grey eyes that shift with her mood and golden blonde hair. If it weren't for her out family would have collapsed because my dad honestly isn't the brightest person to ever live. He's a really nice man though. He has ink black hair and sea green eyes. He's the reason out family is rich. (Did I forget to mention that? Oops.) Well he started the worlds largest cruise line. Millions a day but my parents don't take advantage of that like most people. They were actually relatively poor when they were younger so they know how people on the other class feel. I'm glad though because I really don't like rich snobs.

    Anyways I'm the oldest of five kids. Next is Jacob. He's thirteen with our dad's black hair and seagreen eyes. Then there's Finn who's name is a shortened version of a book character. (Mom's idea.) He's ten and looks just like mom with her blonde hair and grey eyes. Then there is Eric who's seven. He has dad's hair and mom's eyes. Lastly there's little four year old Asher. (Once again a book character name curtsey of Mom.) He has blonde hair like mom but green eyes like dad. 
Enough of that it's boring. I bet you're wondering what this story is about. Well let's just say Gaea and Kronos weren't the only ones who wanted the world under their control.

     The Face of the Future want to control Earth. They don't want to tear down Western Civilization they just want to own it. Now you must be wondering who they are. Well they're a group of the world's most powerful mortals, magicians, demigods, monsters, minor gods, a some Titans, and a few Giants. 
You may be saying, "Well you can't be worried. Your parents already defeated Kronos and Gaea." Well you must not understand how tough these people are. Rouge demigods are almost enough alone to take us down. Add in the rest and get it.

     Now that you have some information let me start this from the beginning.

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