I Like Big Pointy Metal Sticks

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Violet's PoV

      I woke up in a warm bed. There was a guy with elf-like features sitting next to me. He had messy light brown hair and blue eyes. Now a lot of romance books would say something like, 'His eyes were deep blue pools that I could stare into for hours,' but I'm not a romance book. His eyes weren't deep blue pools, they're the color of the sky on a perfect day.

      He looked at me and then said, "You talk when you sleep."

      "What?" I did not know that...

    "Yeah. You said a lot about a guy named Jacob..." He sounded...jealous? Did he? He couldn't be...but what if? Oh gosh...

     "Probably. I love Jacob." I'm so nice.

     "Okay..." There's disappointment.

     "Wow you're stupid." Even Bri would have caught on by now.

    "What?!" Yep, he's stupid.

     "Jacob is my brother."

     "EWWW!!!" Oh gods!

     "Dude! I love him how I should love a brother."

     "Oh. Wait. Jacob JACKSON?" So Jacob did make it to camp!

     "Yeah," I said,"I'm Violet Jackson."

    "Dude you know your parents are like famous?!" He seemed like he had just met some celebrity's kid. I guess he technacilly had...

     "Yeah I do know. They've told me their stories."

     "Even the ones about the Giant War?!"

     "Why wouldn't they?"

     "Did it seem like a chunk was missing? Where your parents just disappeared for about a week?"

     "I didn't notice before, but yeah, there is." That's odd...

     "Only a few people actually know, and they were all in the Giant War..."

     "Trust me, I'll find out."

     "No one can. They all made a system to prevent that!"

     "I can out smart my mom in everything, but math. Add in Jacob and we're unstoppable."

     "He said you guys didn't know about their past until a few days ago." Smart a- butt.

     "We weren't looking. When I want something I get it. Unless it's math. Then I make Jacob do it."

     "That's a good idea! About the math I mean," I like this kid.

     "Well I'm bored."




     "Yes. Bye," I stood up and left the room. I felt fine. The kid from the infirmary ran after me. "I'm not going back."

     "Okay. Mind if I walk with you?" He said.

     "Of course not..." I don't know his name? Wow I'm nice. "What's your name?"

     "Stoll. Parker Stoll." Okay agent 007.

     "Wait. Is your dad Connor or Travis?!"

     "Yeah. I'm Travis and Katie Stoll's kid. My sister Levi should be around here somewhere...but she's boring. She acts a lot like our mom. People say I act like my dad used to. He's still immature, but he hasn't made my mom so mad that she wants him dead since they got married."

"So you're a prankster?"

"Pretty much."

"And you work alone?"


"You have a partner now," I said reaching out my hand.

"Really?!" Yay. He's fun. Jacob would have slapped me.

"Really. Now don't leave me hanging," I looked at my outstretched hand.

"Yes!" He grabbed my hand and shook it. I then realized my other arm was broken. Don't know how I didn't notice that before. Good thing I'm ambidextrous. I remember how confused my friends were before they knew I could wright with both hands. That reminds me what are my friends up to now? Do they-wait. STUPID ADHD!!!

Suddenly I heard Parker talking. "Violet? You there? Earth to Violet."

"Sorry. I zoned out. ADHD." I replied.

"Oh. That makes sense. Anyways we should go train. You're going on a quest in a few days."

"Really?! Yay!" I'd heard of quests from my parents. The thought of my parents almost brought me to tears. I shook it off. I'm sure they're fine.

"Let's go train. Or do you want to see camp first?"


"Okay. Let's go."

~Line break~

"This is the training arena. Grab a weapon and we'll get started."

I tried for like ten minutes, but couldn't find a balanced sword. Eventually I remembered something. I focused on a balanced sword and BAM! I had one in my hand.

"How did you do that?!" Parker yelled.

I simply shrugged and walked over to a dummy. All of the sudden I was attacking. I don't even know what I did. All I do know is Parker was shocked once I finished.

"Did your dad train you?" He said, walking over to me.

"No," I said. "I just did it...it just happened naturally."

"I wonder..." Parker ran off.

I practiced for a few minutes before he dragged over a blonde kid with bright blue eyes- no green- no red- no blue- no hazel, oh never mind.

Parker came over to me and introduced him, "This is Max Fwan, leader of the Hebe cabin."

Max waved, "Hi."

"Hey," I waved back.

"Max this is Violet Jackson. Fifteen. Sword-balanced. Natural abilities. Pops out of thin air." Parker said. It sounded like he was resting my information off a note card.

"Oh hey Violet. I'm obviously Max. I'm nineteen. Parker wanted me to sword fight with you." Max said.

Parker grinned, "He's the best in camp. Have fun." He then went to one of the seats where he could watch us.

"Good luck Violet," Max taunted.

"You'll need it," I replied.

Max stabbed at me, but I dogged. My mind went into offensive mode and I started attacking. I remember striking, and Max dogging it, but everything blurred after that. Next thing I knew Max was in the ground with the tip of my sword on his throat. There were gasps all around me, and I realized that the entire camp was watching. I removed my sword from his neck.

Max looked shocked, but he was smiling. "Good job Violet! Keep that up and you may be as good as your parents where!"

"Are," I corrected.

"Are," he repeated.

"Good job Violet," a horse man said. "It's time we discuss your quest."

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