I Learn I'm Not Fully Human. It's Actually a Relief.

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Me: All of PJO/HoO are Rick Riordan's. So are The Kane Chronicles. Doctor Who is BBC's.

Doctor: Why no fun disclaimer this time?

Me: I'm mad at you.

Doctor: Me? Why?

Me: I have to wait for new episodes now. *starts crying*

Bri: Make it stop!

Violet: Wait. There's two English people here...cool.

Doctor: She's still crying...

Sadie Kane: *uses magic to shut me up*

Violet: Make that three.

Sadie: Just start the story.


Jacob's PoV (Yes he gets a PoV. Deal with it.)

    I got home from school expecting to see my sister and Bri watching TV. They had the day off today, which is totally unfair, but even if they didn't they'd still be home before me. Thing is; they weren't there. Neither were my mom or dad. I could understand dad not being home, he may have a meeting or something, but mom owns her business. Olympian Architecture, she was always home before my sister. No matter what, but here I am. Home alone. Don't think for a second I was scared, I was just...worried? Yeah worried about my family. Not scared.

     Anyways no one was around. I tried calling out, but no answer. Great so now I have to look for them. They're so considerate, aren't they? I looked around the house calling, but never reciving answers. I actually may have possibly considered calling someone for help before I heard laughing downstairs.

     I silently walked down the stairs like the ninja I am. When I got down stairs I heard talking. It was my mom and dad.

 "I'll just tell the story now. So it started when I was twelve. A girl was pulled into a water fountain, but everyone thought I pushed her. The teacher called me inside and once I was in she tried to kill me. Luckily Mr. Brunner and your Uncle Grover came in and helped me. I vaporized her with a pen sword thingy. I gave it to Mr. Brunner and we were going home, but I ditched Grover. Your grandmother and I went on a vacation, I had bad dreams, then Grover found us. We had to leave and go to some camp thingy. On the way there Uncle Grover took off his pants and...that." He gestured at Uncle Grover and his goat legs. "We were almost in the camp when the Minotaur showed up. I-"

     "Dad. The Minotaur was killed by Theseus like five thousand years ago. What's more is that is's a myth." It was Violet. She was down here and not getting in trouble? This was weird...

     "Violet...that's the thing, all of the myths are real. Greek, Roman, even Egyptian, and we're a big part of them. Your mom and I are demigods. I'm the son of Poseidon and your mother is the daughter of Athena."

     "Dad. I believe you. Just keep the story going." Dad must have seemed pretty serious fir her to believe him...then my mom walked down. I thought I was dead meat, but all she did did was hold a finger to her lips to tell me to stay quiet.

     My dad continued unknowing of my mom's presence. "Okay. Minotaur. I was terrified. Then it took my mom. I thought she was dead. and she was the only person in my life that I knew cared about me. I killed the Minotaur with my bare hands. I still have his horn to prove it. Anyways I passed out on a big house's porch, and woke up a few days later. Your mother was there. She-"

     My mom walked down the stairs and said, "You drool when you sleep." I didn't get it, but dad seemed to.

     "I was getting there!"

     "What? Oh. No I was saying that because I had to wash the couch pillows since you took a nap."

     "Oh. Well will you stay and help tell the story?"

     "I still don't think she's ready."

     "Mrs. Jackson she was claimed." Claimed? Bri being polite? What's going on?

     My mom paled a little, "Oh. I guess it is time then." I guess claiming isn't good then. That or she's really shocked by Bri's politeness...whichever.

     "Okay then," my dad spoke up, "I'll continue. So I was put into the cabin for Hermes kids and had a really boring few days. We played Capture the Flag and I was claimed by Poseidon." My dad told the rest of the story, with my mom's help of course. He told about the time he was accused of stealing a lightning bolt, he sailed the Sea of Monsters, withstood the Titan's curse, the Battle of the Labyrinth, and the battle of Manhattan. Jason, Piper, and Leo then told about their quest to save Hera. My dad took back over along with the cocoa skinned woman who was identified as Hazel, and the Asian man named Frank. They told about their quest to free Death. All seven of them then told about their quest to stop Gaea. There was a point were my parents disappeared from the story, but no one would say why. I tried asking about it, but they all pretended not to hear me. They finished the story with how they defeated the earth goddess.

      "So you just forgot to tell me all this?" She shouldn't have said that...she's dead now.

    "Violet we did it to protect you. I never wanted to tell you. We need to get you kids to camp because the monsters will be coming now." Wow she's fun.

     "Okay I'll go pack." My sister came up the stairs and I somehow managed to do that trick from movies where they hide on the celing. Don't ask how I did it because I don't know. Just call it ninja skills.

     I got down from the celiling and went down the stairs. "Nice story Dad. Glad I didn't hear aren't you?"

      "Jacob," my dad sighed "I'm not stupid. I knew you were there."

     My mom looked at him. "It's because I told you."

     "But I still knew. I do have a question though. How did you avoid your sister?"

     "I-I don't know...I just ended up on the celing..."

     My mom actually looked scared. "Percy the prophecy."

  "I know Annabeth...we should have known it was going to be them though. It's always the Jacksons." My dad didn't looked scared. He looked agitated.

     "Mom? Dad? What prophecy?" I knew the answer before my mom even said it.

     "Later. I swear I'll tell you later. Go pack a bag. We'll be gone for awhile."

     "Okay Mom." I went upstairs to pack. I wish I knew then that was the last time I'd see my parents for a long time.

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