We Meet Momo the Mormo

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Me: I don't own PJO/HoO Rick Riordan does. BBC owns Doctor Who. *tries running out*

Doctor: *grabs my wrist* Oh no you don't. You're staying here.


Jeannie: Divernent? You ruin our system and must be removed.

Tris: Just ignore her.

Jeannie: Don't you dare! I'll kill you!

Tris: How about no? 

Jeannie: Beatrice!

Tris: Can't touch this. *moonwalks out*

Jeannie: *runs after her*

Tris: *sneaks back in through the window* She fell in a hole.

Me: I guess I have to say Divergent is owned by Veronica now.


Me: I already did that.

Tobias: Oh. Oops...

Me: Readers this is important. I'm so sorry that I started calling Violet Alexia. I have another story, I'll post it sometime, and the main character is named Alexia. I went through and fixed it. If I start doing it again just tell me.


Violet's PoV

     Uncle Grover showed up five minutes after I called him over the phone. He told us to all load up in the family cas as fast as possible, so that's what we did. We were all loaded in and driving off within five minutes. (A/N In case you haven't noticed I like the number five.) 

      After about an hour of driving Uncle Grover pulled over at a gas station to grab some food for all of us while I filled up the tank. The tank waas completly full and Uncle Grover wasn't back. After about half an hour passed and he still wasn't back, so I locked the boys in the car and went inside.

     That was a bad idea. There was a vampire in the room about to bite my Uncle. I grabbed the first thing I could and threw it at the vampire. He turned on me and snarled, "You dare to insult me by throwing a Twinkie at me?"

     "Yeah, pretty much. Now step away from my uncle you stupid vampire."

     "Why does every one always call me that? I'm the Mormo."

     Okay so he angered easily. I'll piss him off. "Whatever Dracula."

     "No my name is Momo no- HEY! I'm not a vampire."

     "Yeah, of course you're not Drac."

     "Stop it! I demand you stop!"

     "Make me."

     "I will then." He started towards me which was bad. Really bad, but I had an idea.

     "Wait. Can I go to the bathroom first?"

     "May I go to the bathroom?"

     I had annoying teachers who did that and over time I had come up with the perfect response, "I was actully using can in its secondary form as a verb modifier asking permission, not expressing ability. I thought as a really old thing you'd knw that, sorry. May I use the bathroom?"

     Of course this made him mad, and he charged me. I side stepped then somehow did a backflip onto his back. I started thinking of how I'd like a knife to kill this Mormo then suddenly it was there. Weird. I'll think about that later. I stabed the monster and he crumpled to the ground. I grabbed Uncle Grover by the hooves and dragged him to the car. 

     I had him in the passanger seat and was about to drive off when I heard a voice. "Don't you know how to kill a vampire little girl?"

     "But I thought you're not a vampire."

     "Where do the myths of those vampires come from little legacy?"

I'm dedacating this chapter to HaileeNorth because she's such an amazing person and is one of the reasons I actually remember to update. On another note PLEASE COMMENT CHARACTER IDEAS! 

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