Rachel is on a Roll

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Very, very, very important Author's Note: This is the final chapter of "My Turn," but the description of the next book, "My Life," is already up, so you can add it to your libraries, or whatever it is you do with my book. :D I hope it makes you happy to know there are four books in this series.

Violet's PoV

We made it back to camp in two days. I don't know why, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about Parker. He'd seemed so confused when I'd accused him of betraying us. What if I was wrong? What if- Then it hit me.

The innocent snake will be forsaken.

I mentally facepalmed. One of the symbols of Hermes is the snake and Parker is a legacy of Hermes. Innocent. Well I feel like a total jerk now...I guess I sort of am one. I guess I'd better make this up to him.

After leaving the safety of my warm bed to meet the cold five-in-the-morning air, I walked across the cabin grounds to Parker's cabin. I knocked on the door and heard a few groans from inside. A few seconds later a tired looking girl with messy brown hair and bright green eyes opened the door. Levi Stoll.

"Violet?" She rubbed her eyes as if she was dreaming, "What are you doing here? It's like five in the morning! We still get to sleep for about three hours..."

"I know, but-" I didn't know how to say it, I could turn around and avoid being embarassed, "but I need to talk to Parker."

Levi's face dropped at that, "Do you have more accusations for him, or are you just going to drag him to Chiron?"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, "That's why I'm here, I need-"

Levi crossed her arms, "Violet, no offence, but go away. Parker may me annoying, but I love him. There's no way I'm letting you accuse him more."

"No." Suddenly I didn't care about being embarrased. I just wanted to have Parker back.

"Excuse me?" Levi looked shocked, and her eyes showed that she was on the verge of killing me.

"I said no. I came to try and apologize." Like I said, I just want my best friend back.

Levi's face lit up, "Why didn't you say so right away? You know what? Forget that. I'll go get Parker now."

Perfect, two days without him had sucked, I was finally getting my boyfriend back...hopefully.

"So, pretty much what I'm saying is that I'm sorry, " it had been three hours since Levi opened the door to the Hermes cabin for me. It had taken about an hour to wake him up and convince him to talk to me.

Parker smiled, "You know you really suck at apologies, right?"

I felt the tips of my ears heat up, "Well I'm not that bad at them."

Parker seemed to find that hiliours, he fell on the ground, laughing, and it took awhile to get him back up. "Sorry about that, it's just that it took you two hours to manage to say sorry."

"So maybe I do suck at apologies," I looked at Parker and noticed he was smiling. "I really am sorry."

"It's okay." Parker said.

I shook my head, "No it's not. If it were okay I could do it again, but I am glad you forgive me.

He grabbed my hand and looked at me with his bright green eyes, "Violet, it is okay. You could accuse me of anything, and I'll still forgive you, no matter what." He then did something i didn't see coming.

He kissed me. It wasn't one of those short sweet kisses, but it wasn't how they describe it in romance novels either. It was just...perfect. I felt like nothing else in the world mattered. Nothing else was there. Well that is until I distantly heard a voice. A man's voice. A very familiar man's voice.

"Violet...?" I heard the voice of my dad accomponied by the snickers of two boys.

I turned to see Jacob and Finn smirking, while my dad looked pretty mad. "Hey dad...what brings you here?"

"Now's not the time, Violet. Bri is looking for you, " he said while scowling at Parker who had turned a bright shade of red.

"I'll talk to her later-" I said only to be cut off.

"No. Go find her now. Your brothers, Parker, and I have some talking to do." By this point Jacob and my dad looked like they wer going to kill someone, Finn was trying really hard not to laugh, and Parked looked scared ot of his mind.

"I'll be back with help later, Parker. Just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," I said as I left to find Bri.

"O-okay," Parker was in for a real treat...

"I hope this is important," Bri and I were in Arts and Crafts, I had to leave Parker to fend for himself against my family, at least Mom wasn't there...

Bri smiled, "It is. I got a boyfriend!"

"Really? Who is it?" Needless to say, I was happy for her.

"Barrow Underwood!" She was practically jumping out of her chair.

"Wait. Barrow Underwood? As in curly red hair?" I have a feeling I know exactly who she's talking about.

Bri nodded happily.

"As in really jumpy and overly happy?"

Another happy nod.

"As in my cousin that you've had a crush on since fifth grade?"

"Yes!!!" Brian squealed.

I pulled her into a hug, "That's great! When did he ask you out? How'd he do it? What did he say?"

"Well, we were hanging out by the canoe lake, a few days after you left, when he asked me to go on a walk with him. He took me into the woods and we just walked and talked about nature when he pulled me into an opening in the woods. He had taken flower petals and spelled out, 'Will you go out with me?' How sweet is that? Anyways I totally accepted and now we're re together!" Bri somehow managed to say all that in one breath. "Anyways...how long have you and Parker been a thing?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, "A few days..."

Bri smirked, "I knew it would happen eventually."

"Yeah yeah, just sh-" I was cut off by a commotion right outside of the door.

I ran out of the arts and crafts building to see Rachel. Her eyes were glowing green and her mouth was spewing mist. She then started to speak in a raspy, old voice that certainly wasn't her's.

The new prophecy. That means a new quest, and I'm guessing it will be mine. My parents went on millions of quests, and now it's my turn.

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