I Probably Won't Ever Look at Flowers the Same Way

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Violet's PoV (What, did you expect me to kill her?)

Come on little demigods, face me. Don't you want to know who really took your parents? It wasn't that slime bag Octavian. No, he's been dead for years now. Come face me and see the face of the person who is going to break you.

Nico had out his sword before I could grab my spear, and Jacob hadn't even moved for his sword yet. "You kids go find- Violet!"

I recognized the strange voice, I thought I knew who's it was, I had to know if I ws right because if it really was her..."Go find our parents! This is my job!"

"Violet, stop," Nico yelled at me.

He voice scared me, he kind of sounded like Batman, but this was important, so I kept going, "Go find them, Mr. Nico, I know I'm supposed to do this! Just trust me!"

The last thing I heard from them was Jacob yell, "Violet, no!"

I ran down the dark halls, the only light came from my flashlight. The only sound were my sounds of my feet hitting the ground and my heavy breaths.

It didn't take long for me to stumble into a room lit by torches on the walls. I pulled out my spear. This was definitely the room where the voice came from. I knew because I saw exact who I expected to see.

Tally Aron.

The punk daughter of Iris turned around to face me, "Hey, Violet. Long time no see."

"Why'd you betray camp, Tally?" I asked.

"I didn't betray them, I'm saving them." She responded.

"What do you mean, 'saving them'?" She wasn't making sense.

"Well," she started, "the gods don't know how to fairly rule the world, Luke Castellan was right about that, but he was wrong about the Titans ruling it. The Predominal Deities were overthrown by their children, same goes for the Titans, so why shouldn't the same go for the gods? We should be in charge of the world, in charge of our own lives."

"No. Can't you see it? We wouldn't be any better than the Titans or Olympians if we went through with this. We can't stoop to their level, and anyone who thinks we should is out of their mind."

"Oh, what about your new boyfriend? Parker, is it? He's on our side. He's been helping us the entire time. Do you think he's crazy? Or does your opinion change when the people closest to you are the 'villians'?"

My heart sank. Parker? He would never...he couldn't...wouldn't, "He-he's not-"

"Not what? A traitor? You're just in denial. You'll see soon enough, but for now, LILY!" An Asian girl wit long black hair walked in."I believe you know Lily Wong? She's the best hand-to-hand combatant from camp, even though she is the daughter of Demeter. Since I'm on a tight schedule, she'll fight you for me. Say hi to Hades for me." She turned to a wall, and there was suddenly a door there. It disappeared as soon as she left.

I turned to Lily, "Lily, you don't have to-"

She jumped at me.

I felt her nails slash across my face, they were followed by a warm liquid. She went to hit again, but I pushed her back with spear. She lost her balance and stumbled into a wall, I took this opportunity to hit her with my spear, but she dodged it. She pulled out her whip, and grabbed my spear with it.

Smirking she asked, "What are you going to do now."


Suddenly the room was shaking. Lily lost her balance and dropped my spear. I picked it up and hit her on the head with it. She crumbled to the floor.

The room shook.

I ran out of there only seconds before the entire room collapsed, crushing Lily.

After a bit of a walk, I found my way to the surface where my mom, dad, Jacob, and Nico were waiting. Thalia and the hunters had shown up too, along with James, Paige, Phos, and Parker.


I grabbed him by the arm, yanked him up, and shoved him against the wall. "You traitor! You've been working for them the entire time? Why?"

He looked shocked, "I don't-"

"You know what, never mind. We'll figure out what to do with you when we get back to camp. Until then, just stay quiet." I let go of him and walked over to my parents. "I'm glad you're okay."

My dad smiled, "I am too, but" his smile faded, "if you ever try running off like you did down there again..."

"I won't , I promise."

He smiled, "Good. Now come here." He pulled me into his arms, and my family hugged. We were together. Exactly how it should be.

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