I Steal a Horn From a Very Creepy Attic

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Guess who's back! That's right it's me!I didn't die on my quest to find a cure for one of the Stolls' pranks gone wrong! I do feel bad for not updating so I'll give you two chapters!


Jacob's PoV

Violet's head was bleeding, and her right arm was bent at an odd angle. She looked awful. Her brown hair was red in some places and she had scratches all over her.

Bri looked okay other than a bump on her head. Her eyes suddenly opened, and she groggily sat up. "Where's Violet? Is she okay? Don't tell me she's dead!" She was suddenly full of energy and seemed distressed.

Phos looked at Bri and calmly said, "Bri is not dead. We're going to take her to the infirmary and she'll be fine." Bri calmed down, so Phos called a boy named Gabe and a kid named Mitchell over. They looked a lot like her so I assumed they were her brothers- half brothers sorry. They gently placed Violet on a stretcher and took her inside. I tried to follow them, but Phos grabbed my arm and shook her head 'no.'

I shook her hand off and started to go in again, but she stepped in front of me. I looked her in the eye using my deluxe I'll-kill-you-glare. I tried, and somehow succeeded, to keep my my voice calm, "Please move. I'm going to see my sister."

She shook her head, "Jacob, no." She wasn't even being sympathetic. She was being an a- butt about it.

"Why not?" I could feel my temper rising.

"Because." Really? That's so immature.

"Don't act like a two year old. Tell me why." I'm surprised I didn't yell at her.

"Because I said so," she said like the butt she is.

"Get out of my way. Now." I pushed past her and walked to the infirmary. I looked over my shoulder and saw her face. It was priceless. She looked outraged, like no one had ever done anything against what she said.

I walked around the Big House until I found the infirmary. When I walked in and saw Gabe and Mitchell working on Violet. They saw me and waved me over. I noticed Violet looked much better. The blood was cleaned off, her head was stitched up, and her arm was in a cast.

"So she broke her arm?" I asked.

Gabe nodded. "In three places actually. Luckily there's no head damage beyond the cut on her forehead. When she wakes up she can tell us what happened. She should be ready for the quest by next week."

"She's not gong on the quest," I replied.

Mitchell looked over at me weirdly and asked "Why not? She sort of has to."

"No. She's my sister, and I said she's not going."

"Well I say if you don't shut up I'll make you leave." This is why I don't like Gabe, but I did sit down and stayed quiet.

Gabe and Mitchell finished up on Violet then left. I was left with her for a little while. "Hey Violet. I don't know if you can hear me, but I want to let you know we'll find Mom and Dad. It'll be alright. I won't let anything happen to you or the boys. I promise." After that I dozed off.

I was sent out of the infirmary with the guarantee that Violet is going to wake up today or tomorrow.

I was walking around camp when Phos walked up to me. "Hey Jacob," it was a sneer. She sneered at me.

"Yes Phos?" I said trying to stay civil. For whatever reason I didn't like her.

"Chiron wants you. I don't know why so don't ask." She turned on her heel and walked off.

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