Table of Contents

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1. The Ticket Back to Davy's Heart
2. Rock-a-bye Davy
3. The Archduke's Escape
4. Haunted Memories of Bettina
5. Davy's Nightmares
6. "Don't Worry. I'm Alive."
7. A Closer Attachment
8. Davy's Second Mother
9. The Last Damsel in Distress on Earth
10. Queen Bettina's Speech
11. "We will Rule the World!"
12. Otto Kidnaps Baby Archie
13. Did the Monkees Do That?
14. Terrorizing the Town of Malibu
15. Monkees to the Rescue
16. Otto and Sigmund Torture Davy
17. "Poor Little Guy!"
18. Sleeping Beauty Time
19. Sarah is in Trouble
20. A White Knight on His Steed
21. Who's the Damsel in Distress Now?
22. Is This a Happy Ending?

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