Did the Monkees Do That?

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Sarah's POV:

I was shaken awake by Mike, who told me to pack up my stuff. I didn't know what to pack, but the man in the wool cap told me that he left a list of things to pack on my nightstand. I saw a bunch of suitcases by my closet. So I got up, made my bed, and got dressed. As I got myself ready and packed, Micky went by my bedroom door with a pencil and paper and said as he wrote:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mullins,
We are very sorry to do this, but we are taking your granddaughter/daughter to Malibu, California to live with us. She has a big desire to see the beaches of southern California. We know that you don't like California, but you can still call her. We have all the necessary legal documents we need for her to move in. Don't worry. We will take good care of her.
The Monkees

Davy took the note from behind and added:
P.S. Just to let you know, our little friend, Davy Jones, is deeply in love with her. He has a house on the beach that she can live in with him, because there is room for only four people in our pad.

When Micky taped the note to my bedroom door, I came out, carrying these big suitcases. Peter came out of my parents' bedroom with a big folder of my legal documents. He and Davy offered to carry my bags. As I walked out of the house, I saw that it was completely clean and neat. Did the Monkees do that? I thought.

When I got in the Monkeemobile, I was sitting in the back seat between Micky and Davy, who was sleeping on my shoulder. The car felt so warm, because Mike turned on the heater for us. He was in the driver's seat, and Peter was in the passenger's seat. Soon, we pulled out of my driveway and all the way through the Tennessee line. Get this! The Monkees were in Roan Mountain!

Then, they were in Johnson City! Those Monkees were taking me on a cross-country road trip to California. They had plenty of money for food and gas.

I got to see the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas! When we got to Texas, the Monkees and I had to stay at a hotel for the night. The hotel clerk was surprised. She said, "You must be the Monkees! What is this young lady doing here?"

"That is Ms. Sarah Mullins from North Carolina, or as we call her Mrs. Davy Jones." chuckled Micky as he pointed to me and Davy holding hands. Davy put his hand on one hip and gave Micky a sassy look. He didn't like being teased about because he was short or in love with me.

Mike, Peter, and Micky got a hotel room right next the room that I shared with Davy. The hotel rooms were completely clean. The views from the balconies were beautiful. The bed was so comfortable.

The boys and I had dinner at a nice, clean Cajun restaurant. Davy and I had a separate table to ourselves while the other Monkees shared another one. Micky giggled as he watched me feed Davy a baked potato like a baby. I wiped his mouth, which made him giggle.

"Look at those two love birds. They are so happy together. I love watching these guys." said Micky. "Hey! I even made up a little song about them."

"You made up a song about them?" asked Mike. "We would love to hear it."

"That would be really nice!" said Peter.

"Okay." said Micky. "Here it goes." Then, he cleared his throat and sang so loudly that everyone in the restaurant can hear:

"Don't you mean, 'baby,' carriage?' asked Mike.

"No." said Micky. "I mean, 'Davy,' carriage."

Davy gave the other Monkees an angry glare. Then, he took out his wallet and laid his money on the table. Davy took me by the hand to the Monkeemobile. We laid down in the back seat with Davy on top of me.

"Don't listen those other guys, love. They are just trying to get on our nerves." whispered Davy as he kissed my neck.

"Come on, little guy. They are trying to help you bring happiness and paradise to everyone." I whispered back.

"I know, darling. Sometimes, they can be very annoying, especially Micky."

"I don't think that they are annoying. They are funny."

"I'll tell you what; we'll let the fellas finish the rest of their business, and we'll have a little privacy."

I gave a little smirk. We started kissing each other on the lips, the neck, and behind the ears. Davy took his tongue to my lips and licked them. The little guy wrapped his arms around me. He laid his head on my chest. Then, he pulled me up and crawled onto my lap. Davy lifted up my shirt. As he was about to take out my breast and latch on, Micky ran out the door, shouting, "Let's go, lovebirds!"

Davy rolled his eyes as he pulled my shirt back down. He got into his seat, and I got into mine. Mike and Peter got in, too.

When we got back to the hotel, we took our baths. I took my medicine. After that, Davy and I went outside on the balcony and looked at the beautiful, green hills beneath the starlit sky. Micky was on the balcony next to us. He laughed and teased us constantly. Mike came out from behind and pulled him back inside, saying, "Leave Sarah and Davy alone."

Davy yawned and held out his arms. I picked up that Daydream Believer and carried him into bed with me. I sang to Davy and fell asleep with him. He had his head on my chest, and I had my arms around him.

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