The Ticket Back to Davy's Heart

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Sarah's POV:

Things have been a little strange lately. Every night, I have been having dreams about seeing the face of Davy Jones. I am not talking about the pirate from Pirates of the Carribbean. I am talking one of the Monkees, the tiniest Prince Charming any girl, like me, could ever have. When I am saying, "tiny," I mean that he is 5'3", six inches shorter than me. He is one of those British folks, who say, "You must be joking!" Not only have I been seeing his face, but I have also been hearing him calling my name. I woke up and called back to him, although he really wasn't there. Maybe he is the one thing missing in my life. Maybe I shouldn't have stopped loving him two years ago.

When I was 13 years old, I read an article in People magazine about Davy dying from a heart attack at the age of 66. When I turned the page and saw his face, it was love at first sight. I even planned on dating AND marrying him. I had other imaginary boyfriends (which is why I couldn't get a real one) and hid the crush. When I was 16, I decided to turn that secret crush into romantic love, but I was a little too nervous. My parents had gone to bed, and my sister was in her room. I started moving slowly to the living room, hearing a voice in my head that said, "Come on. Come on! I bet he likes you back." I slowly sat on the couch, and sure enough, I was next to a tiny dark-haired boy that looked exactly like me, except his dark hair was wavy, his eyes were a deep brown color, and he had tan skin like Sylvester Stallone has. He was small, but quite muscular. With a big smile on his face, he started holding my hand and complimenting me about my hair. That was when we had our first kiss.

We got engaged in the summer. My sister heard about my love for Davy, and I was mad. We married each other the day after I turned 17. He and the other Monkees made me very happy. His songs, "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You," "Daydream Believer," and "Valleri," were very big hits. In real life, Davy had a lot of daughters. He really wanted a boy. So, after having two daughters, Monica and Amanda (Mandy), we finally had a son that we named Davy Jr. (DJ for short), followed by another son we named after his father, Harry. We ended the romance when I had to spend time with a dead old friend of mine, who was killed in a car wreck. Ever since then, I started dating Paul McCartney and Keith Richards. Then, I married the Who's drummer, Keith Moon and the rebellious John Lennon.  Then, I went back to Keith and started writing a Broadway musical about our relationship called A Loon on the Moon. As I was working on that, I started having those Davy dreams. The Who's guitarist, Pete Townshend, was very worried. So was the frontman, Roger Daltrey.

One night, Pete came up to me and said with a very concerned tone, "Sarah, I don't know how to say this, but little Davy has been chasing you in your dreams."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

The tall rock'n'roller rubbed his giant nose and said, "What I am saying is that the little Monkee has been calling your name and you wouldn't answer him. He was looking you straight in the eyes."

"Why on Earth would the little guy be chasing me?"

"It is because he loves you more than any other boy loves you, even Keith. Keith is not very happy about this."

"You're right, Pete," I sighed, "Maybe he is sick of chasing other girls and falling for every one of them. He has been doing that until I came along. When I laid my eyes on Davy, I knew that it was meant to be. We were like twins."

"Twins? What do you mean by, "being like twins," ay?"

"I meant that we look alike. We think alike. We have the same personality. I am nothing like Keith."

"She's exactly like me, though." said a voice from behind Pete. It was the frontman, Roger Daltrey. He was short, but not as short as I wanted my true soulmate to be. Roger also had curly blond hair and piercing blue eyes, not the wavy dark hair and brown eyes I wanted in him. He wanted to date me, just because we both have beautiful singing voices and could become a music duo. I liked Davy's voice better, because it was soothing and sweet, unlike Roger's rough and gritty voice.

"Sarah should start being in love with me, not that prim and proper Davy Jones." grumped Roger.

"Come on, mate. I'm pretty sure Sarah wants her romantic twin back."

"I'm her romantic twin!" shouted Roger, pointing at himself.

"I meant the romantic twin that looks exactly like her." whispered Pete.

"What romantic twin would look exactly like Sarah?"

"The kind of romantic twin that looks like her and thinks like her and has the same personality....."


"You do not look exactly like her. I am talking about the five foot three chap with tanned skin, and big, deep brown eyes, and wavy, dark hair, and says, "You must be joking." That kind of romantic twin is what Sarah is talking about."

"So you are talking about that smart aleck Davy?"

"Yes, I'm talking about Davy. You see, Sarah here likes the short dark-haired, brown-eyed British blokes; especially the short ones, like the tiny superstar."

"Yeah, right." said Roger as he rolled his eyes. "So, what's the problem here?"

"The problem is that Sarah has been haunted by these Davy dreams. I have the perfect solution to it!"

"And that is?"

"If Sarah finishes writing her script for the Broadway musical, I will take to some Broadway actors from New York City. Then, Sarah will get Davy back after Keith gives him back to her, of course. I have already talked to him, and he said it was a deal. Then, I'm going to be Davy's butler."

"Okay, Pete. Until the script is finished, she will be visited by the Monkees and treat Davy as a baby before she treats him as her true soulmate."

"All right, mate."

After hearing that deal, I decided to finish the script, because I really wanted my tiny baby boy back. Every night, I was visited by the Monkees. It was always the same: There were only three of them, Mike Nesmith (the Southern, tall man with a wool cap on his head), Peter Tork (the blond man, who is as tall as me), and Micky Dolenz (the curly-haired trickster). One of them had a big bundle all wrapped in a silk blanket in his arms. I would say, "What's that big bundle you got in your arms?" One of them would answer, "That's Davy." Poor Davy. Those other boys were trying to keep him warm. Sometimes, I had to hold that huge bundle Davy was asleep in.

When I got the script finished, I handed to Pete, who said, "Congratulations, Sarah. You gave me the ticket back to Davy's heart." I was really excited. So were my furry friends, the Chipmunks and the Chipettes. We can hardly wait to see the Daydream Believer again.

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