The Archduke's Escape

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Far, far away in the country of Harmonica, there was a prison below the palace of Queen Bettina, who was rescued by the Monkees from destruction. Inside the prison was a big, angry man with a shiny, bald head and a man dressed up as a railroad conductor. There were the Archduke Otto and his henchman, Sigmund. They have been arrested for attempting to kill Bettina, who was his niece, and escaped once to try and destroy her, along with the Monkees. They went back to prison to serve a life sentence while the Monkees and Bettina recovered from their wounds. When Bettina was well again, she hired some personal guards for extra protection. After hearing that Davy had left her for Sarah, she married Ringo Starr of the Beatles, who was a damsel in distress himself. Still, Bettina and Davy were very good friends. Way down in the prison, Otto was pulling on the bars, trying to escape once again. "Sigmund!" he shouted. "Do you have a paper clip we can use to break free from this cell?"

"Here, sire." said Sigmund, handing his boss an opened paper clip. Otto took the paper clip and placed it in the tiny hole where the lock was. The lock came undone, and the Archduke came out of the cell with glee. "I'm free again! Now I can destroy my dear niece Bettina and become king!" he cheered.

"Sorry, boss. We can't kill her. We heard that she has guards for extra protection."

"Then, we'll kill the guards and the queen."

"The guards are too invincible for us."

"Then, we'll take Mr. Jones, injure him severely, and watch Bettina cry for the defeat of her true love."

"Mr. Jones is not in love with your niece anymore. He found a woman, who looked exactly like him. Bettina married another man.....uh......who was from the Beatles....and his name was Ringo. Bettina is now just friends with Mr. Jones."

"Well, Sig. Then, we'll terrify him with this list of things that he is afraid of." said Otto as he opened a small scroll.

Sigmund read from the scroll, "Things That Davy Jones is Afraid Of: not being able to rescue damsels in distress on time, poisonous spiders, poisonous snakes, the dark, wolves, mountain lions, bobcats, monsters, and witches."

"THAT'S IT!" Otto beamed. "If we are going to terrify this tiny nemesis of mine, we need a little help from A WITCH!"

Later that afternoon, the Archduke and his henchman went through the dark forest and stopped at a tiny wooden cottage.

"Do you really think there is a witch in there?" Sigmund asked Otto.

"We will see in a second." the Archduke said as he knocked on the door.

The door opened and out came a small, bent, old woman all dressed in raggedy old clothes. Her skin was all wrinkly, her big eyes were green, and she had only one tooth. Her gray hair drooped as if it were a bundle of long strings. The old woman also carried a long stick in her hand.

"Madame Montpierre at your service." said the old woman. "What brings you into my house of witchcraft?"

"I, Archduke Otto of Harmonica, and my good friend, Sigmund, need your help. You are a witch after all, right?"

"Why, yes! I am a wicked witch of fear, destruction, death, and sorrow. How can I help you?"

"For one thing, my niece, Queen Bettina, has extra protection due to her guards. We thought that she could cry over my nemesis, Mr. Jones, who I thought was her true love, but he isn't anymore. She already married another man, and he has already found another woman. Another thing is that​ we need your help in terrorizing him with his biggest fears, according to this scroll." said Otto as he handled the list to Madame Montpierre.

The old witch read the list and did a nod of approval and said, "I would be more than happy to help you, Archduke."

"Then, let's work together to make that tiny runt miserable!" cheered Sigmund as he went with Otto and Madame Montpierre on a flight to Malibu, California, where the Monkees lived.

Back at the Monkees' pad, Davy ran inside with panic with a newspaper in his hand. The headline read: Archduke Otto of Harmonica Escapes Again. "Davy, what's the matter?" Micky asked the panting Brit.

"You see the headline on this newspaper, fellas? It is saying that Otto has escaped from prison again."

"That's impossible!" cried Peter.

"It also says that he got help from a wicked old witch by the name of Madame Montpierre. They were planning to scare me so badly that I will no longer be a brave, heroic man. I will be a miserable, cowardly man."

"Do you still miss Queen Bettina, although you love Sarah?" asked Mike.

"Oh, yeah, man. I still miss her dearly. I wanted to see how she was doing. I heard that she had some guards for extra protection. She also married the Beatles' drummer, Ringo."

"Are you still in love with Bettina?" asked Micky.

"Uh, not anymore. She told me that she has Ringo now to keep her company and that we can still be friends."

"I bet you are staying true to Sarah."

"Sure am, Mick."

Suddenly, Davy felt his stomach churn. He grew pale. His forehead started to sweat. His heart was beating faster than usual.

"What's wrong, Davy?" asked Mike.

Davy didn't answer. He quickly ran downstairs to the bedroom he shared with Peter, climbed onto his bed, and covered his face with his pillow.

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