"We will Rule the World!"

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"A day when all evil is vanquished? I don't think so!" shouted Otto. "I sure hope that there will come a day when all good is vanquished."

"We sure have a lot of good in this world." said Sigmund.

"Yes. It irritates me that you, Madame Montpierre, and I are the last three villains on Earth. It also irritates me to see people being happy. I hate happiness! I also hate paradise!"

"Me, too, and it's all thanks to those goody-goody Monkees, especially the one we are trying to give misery to."

"If good rules over evil, then I'll never be able to rule Harmonica!"

"Sire, your niece banished you from Harmonica. Remember?"

"Oh, yes. The queen exiled her own uncle. So, I tried becoming king of Jones's home country of England, but those filthy Brits confused me with Winston Churchill. Then, I tried ruling Spain, Denmark, and Sweden. After that, we were banished from Europe for all of eternity."

"You know that we did win by feeding that Hispanic girl to Shredder, training a pack of lionesses to eat an African girl, riding on the back of a tiger and having him to kill an Indian girl, and releasing a crocodile into a river, so he can drown a Vietnamese girl. Oh, it makes me overjoyed to see Mr. Jones run back home crying while hearing that sad indigenous African music."

"Yes, Sigmund. Those were our four victories. We shall have another victory with this to-do list." said Otto as he gave his chauffeur another small scroll.

Sigmund opened the scroll and read, "How to Eliminate Good from the World: 1. Abduct Mr. Jones's infant son, 2. Terrorize Malibu, California, 3. Make Mr. Jones cry, 4. Abduct Ms. Mullins and Queen Bettina, and finally, 5. Destroy the two women."

The chauffeur asked the archduke, "How do we terrorize Malibu?"

"We will scare, bring misery, and kill the people of Malibu."

"How do we make Mr. Jones cry?"

"You can use the sad indigenous African music if you want to. We will also torture him."


"We will hurt him, taunt him, and humiliate him in so many ways."

"How do we destroy your niece, along with Ms. Mullins?"

"Shredder loves to eat human cannonballs. So, we will put these maidens in big cannons and shoot them into the sea. That way Shredder will catch and eat them."

"Oooooh! Nice!"

"Yes, indeed. With this planned victory and conquest of all good, we will rule the world!"

"Which world shall we rule?"

"We shall rule a miserable, evil, and gloomy world!" beamed the Archduke with an evil laugh.

Otto and Sigmund marched down the street to the Jones house, which was on the beach.

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