Monkees to the Rescue

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Back in the pad, Micky looked out the window and saw the chaos going out in the streets. He panicked and said, "Gosharooney! It's that no good archduke again!"

Mike and Peter looked through the window, too. They saw people running around in circles, screaming and crying. Otto was yelling at them to stop being happy. Sigmund was gunning down the men. Madame Montpierre was casting her wicked spells. Bengal tigers and timber wolves were attacking and killing the women and children. Suddenly, Peter got a very good idea.

"This looks like a job for Monkeemen!" he shouted with glee.

A few minutes later, Mike, Peter, and Micky changed into their Monkeemen costumes: red leotards with big, yellow, "M's" on the front and blue capes. "Up, up, and away!" the boys cried as they flew out of the pad and up into the bright, blue sky. When the people saw them, they cheered, "Hooray! The Monkees are coming to save us!"

Otto, on the other hand, got really angry that heroes were coming to foil his plans. So did Sigmund and Madame Montpierre. Otto came up with a plan.

"Sigmund, I order you to shoot these heroes and bring them down from the sky!"

"Right away, sire!" Sigmund said as he saluted the archduke.

The chauffeur aimed his gun at the three Monkeemen and fired at them three times with a bullet on each shoulder. Mike, Peter, and Micky fell unconscious down from the sky. Soon, they were piled on top of each other. Davy heard the gun and rode his horse into the town. Icicle scared away the tigers and wolves with his neighing and whinnying. He brought the people safely back to their homes. He also kicked the chauffeur and the witch into a brick wall. Sigmund got up and pushed Davy off his horse.

The evil chauffeur shooed away Icicle, who ran away with baby Archie. Davy crawled over to his bandmates, who were lying unconscious on top of each other. Blood ran down from their shoulders and onto the ground. The little Brit had tears in his eyes, but he didn't cry. The wicked archduke looked down on him and said with an evil chuckle, "You're too late again, Jones. Your precious friends are also too late. You may have saved your fellow citizens, but you must pay back."

"How?" asked Davy.

"You shall see in a minute."

Otto called over to Sigmund, who brought a pocket knife with him. "Time to torture the little shrimp!" he cried with triumph.

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