Terrorizing the Town of Malibu

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The next morning, when we checked out of our Texan hotel, we hit the road again. Guess what? I got to see the states of New Mexico and Arizona. Finally, we made it to southern California. First, the Monkees gave me a tour of their pad. I have seen it many times before in the Monkees episodes on YouTube. Then, they dropped me and Davy off at our beach house. Boy, was I amazed to see such a beautiful and neat house! I was even happy to see my other baby boy, Archie, who crawled over to me and hugged my legs, going, "Ai, mah, mah." I loved my new home.

The view of the sandy beach from our front door was beautiful. Davy was really sweet about helping me with making new changes to our insurance, including healthcare. After we got that taken care of, he told me,"Why don't you enjoy yourself at the beach while I care for my horse, Icicle, up on that hill. Don't worry. I'll have Archie with me. Okay?"

"Okay." I said, looking into his deep brown eyes.

Davy kissed me on the cheek and went into the house. I followed him. I went into our bedroom to change into my new pink bathing suit. I went out the door with Davy carrying Archie on his hip behind me. I went onto the beach, and he went onto the hill behind the house.

I was in heaven when I walked onto the sand. The cool ocean breeze blew into my hair. The waves of the sea came straight at me. I was looking forward to swimming in the waves. I jogged straight to the waves. I was almost there when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw the stern face of a petite, blond-haired, blue-eyed, woman. She was wearing a blue bathing suit and was as tall as Davy.

"Never wander too far into the ocean." she said, sounding almost like me.

I recognized her. She was Bettina, the queen of Harmonica. I have seen her in the Monkees episode, "Royal Flush."

Bettina told me that if I wandered too far into the ocean, I might get eaten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish. She also advised me to never bring pool toys to the beach, not even a raft. If I did, it would explode, and I might drown, like she almost did. Lucky for her, she was rescued by Davy.

I took the advice and went back onto the sand. Bettina was right behind me. She examined me and my bathing suit.

"You look marvelous, dear." she said.

"Thank you." I responded with a giggle.

We complimented each other about our hair, our eyes, our body shapes, and our faces. The queen was surprised to see that I looked exactly like Davy.

"I believe that you and Davy are a perfect match." said Bettina.

"Uh, thank you?" I said. "Weren't you and Davy supposed to be a perfect match?"

"We were supposed to, but you know him. He always chases other girls around."

"He has been doing that until I came along. When I laid my eyes on that guy, it was love at first sight."

"The same went for me. He was very helpful when I almost drowned. He was also very protective when my wicked uncle Otto was trying to kill me before I turned 18 and was crowned queen."

Bettina also told me that her uncle escaped from prison twice, and she banished him for his evil ways. She also told me that since I was in love with Davy, she married Ringo Starr of the Beatles and hired some personal guards for extra protection.

"I must warn you." said Bettina, holding my hands. "My uncle Otto, his chauffeur named Sigmund, and a wicked witch by the name of Madame Montpierre are on the loose and plan to eliminate all good on Earth. My uncle also plans to rule the world and make everyone sad forever."

"Is it true that I am the last damsel in distress on Earth?"

"Oh, yes. My uncle, his chauffeur, and the witch plan to destroy you and me."

Bettina and I started getting to know each other. Soon, I had made a new best friend of royal blood. Suddenly, we heard some screaming and crying behind us in the streets.

"Hey! What's happening?" I asked.

"It's my uncle. He is terrorizing the entire town by making these people miserable."

I felt my stomach churn. Bettina asked me what was wrong, and I said, "Your uncle is not very nice."

"Let me tell you something. My uncle Otto is extremely rude. So is his chauffeur and the witch."

Out in the streets, Archduke Otto was shouting into an air horn, "Wipe those smiles right off your faces! Prepare to witness fear, destruction, sadness, pain, and death! Respect me as your future king of the universe!"

Sigmund released some tigers and wolves out of wooden boxes. He trained the man-eaters to attack and kill women and children. He also used a .22 pistol to shoot men.

Madame Montpierre chanted her evil spells, casting them on the people of Malibu. She also sang a song about how wicked of a witch she was.

The people were running around in circles, screaming with fright and crying with pain. They said to each other, "When will this evil ever end, like the queen of Harmonica said it will? We need the Monkees to rescue us, especially our beach prince, Davy Jones. The Monkees are the only ones, who can restore peace to our planet. They are our only hope."

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