"Poor Little Guy!"

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"What happened?" asked Sarah as she turned Davy onto his back.

"It's my uncle Otto again." said Bettina as she checked him for bruises. "He was torturing Davy, like he usually does."

Davy had a trace of blood on his stomach from the incision beside his belly button. His arms were completely black and blue. His legs were scraped and scratched. He was still crying and choking on his vomit. Bettina pulled him up, got up behind him, and gave him the Hemlich maneveur. A stream of red vomit came out of his mouth. Davy stopped choking, but kept crying. He wailed when his hands and wrists started to throb.

"Are you alright?" asked the queen of Harmonica.

"No." Davy said, shaking his head. "My hands hurt really bad. I'll never play the tambourine or maracas again."

"Sure you will. You're one of the Monkees, aren't you?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Well, you just wait until those wrists that my uncle twisted stop hurting. Then, you'll be able to be the Daydream Believer that you always are again."

Davy told the girls that the other Monkees were shot by Sigmund, and Icicle helped him save the town.

"I don't know if Mike, Peter, and Micky will be okay after those bullets went into their shoulders." sighed Davy.

"I'm pretty sure that they will be fine." said Sarah. "At least they didn't die, I hope."

Davy felt his stomach churn while he thought about his flashbacks of Bettina and being tortured by the Archduke, the chauffeur, and the witch. He held out his arms to Sarah, who wrapped her arms around him. She started comforting him by singing. Bettina stopped her for a minute.

"I didn't know that you could sing."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"I couldn't sing at all. I tried to, but I don't have a beautiful voice, like you do."

Bettina cleared her throat and let out some off-key noises and shrills. "See? I don't have any musical talent. Only you have the ability to sing."

"So does Davy." said Sarah, pointing to the crying Englishman.

Sarah started singing a song about how she will always be there for him. As she sang, Davy stopped crying and hugged her back. The singing got louder as Davy smiled and giggled. He got up and began waltzing with her, even though his hands and wrists still hurt. Soon, Davy was happy again.

"Are you happy now?" asked Bettina with a smile.

"Yes. In fact, my hands and wrists are getting much better!"

"That's good!" cried Sarah as she hugged him.

Bettina examined Davy. His scrapes and cuts were not too bad. Nor were his bruises or the red mark on his back. The only thing that needed to be taken care of was the incision on his stomach.

The girls lifted Davy up and carried him back home with Bettina's royal nurse waiting by the front door.

"My, oh my! It's that poor little fella again! That mean old uncle of yours did that again, didn't he?" asked the nurse.

"Yes. You may need to care for him again." said the queen.

"I shall do that right away, your highness." said the nurse as she lifted Davy and carried him into the house.

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