Sleeping Beauty Time

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The royal nurse gave Davy a bath in his large tub, washing the small cuts and scrapes on his legs. She also washed his incision. As she dried him off, the nurse said, "There we go, Prince Charming. A few stitches would make you feel better. Don't you worry. They won't hurt a bit."

She was right. Davy didn't feel any pain when the stitches closed the wound on his stomach. Instead, he felt very relaxed. Davy thanked her before getting dressed, combing his hair, and brushing his teeth. He came into the bedroom with a smile on his face. Sarah was already in bed, watching her favorite movie, Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos. A bowl of popcorn was on her lap. A cup of tea was on her nightstand. The tiny Brit climbed in next to her. "Are you feeling better now?" asked Sarah.

"Yes, love. I feel much better!" Davy sighed with relief.

Sarah smiled and hugged him. She offered him her popcorn, but he said, "No, thank you, darling."

At the part where Walter came in, Davy pinned Sarah to the bed and got in top of her. They started making out with each other. The sexual pleasure increased when Achmed came in on the TV screen. They finished making love at the part where Peanut came in. After the movie, Davy warned Sarah that Otto was planning to destroy her and Bettina at sunrise.

"How do you know that?" asked Sarah.

"Bettina told me while I was carried to the bathroom. She said he planned to put you and her in big cannons and shoot you girls into the sea. That way Shredder, his pet shark, will catch and eat you two, so that Otto can rule the world."

"Oh, no. I don't like being the last damsel in distress on Earth. I don't even like sharks."

"Me, neither. If you and Bettina died in the sea, I would be the last good person on Earth, who is sad and afraid forever."

"There, there, baby boy." cooed Sarah, wrapping her arms around him. "I'll be sure to scream for help, so you can get rid of those villains and rescue us."

"I'll be there when I see you girls in the cannons."

"Thank you. We should get some sleep now. Good night."

"Wait. Aren't you going to sing me a lullaby?"

"Surely I am." said Sarah as she lay down with Davy and held him close to her chest.

She sang, "Hushabye, Little One." while Davy yawned and got sleepy. They fell fast asleep with Davy's head on Sarah's chest and her arms wrapped around him.

Outside on the beach, Otto and Sigmund were setting up two big black cannons beside each other. "There we go. This should help Shredder get his breakfast tomorrow morning." the archduke said as he was finished.

"When do we feed him?" asked Sigmund.

"We will give Ms. Mullins and my dear niece to him at the break of dawn. In the meantime, let's go get them before the clock strikes midnight. I'll grab Bettina from her hotel room, and you'll grab Ms. Mullins from her house."

"Anything you say, sire." said Sigmund, bowing down to Otto.

When the first star came into the sky, the evildoers went into the streets of Malibu. Otto headed for the hotel where his niece, the queen, was staying. Sigmund headed for the Jones house.

Little DavyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon