Otto Kidnaps Baby Archie

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When Otto opened the door to the beautiful sky blue beach house, he saw two light green love seats, two end tables with a yellow lamp on each one, a plexiglass coffee table, and a flat screen TV. This was the Jones living room.

The Jones kitchen was sparkly white with a clean refrigerator, a big black Keurig, a high tech microwave, and a huge wooden table. That was where the Joneses ate their meals.

The Jones bathroom was also sparkly with a huge tub made for two people, a clean toilet, a shiny sink, and a silver towel rack.

The Jones laundry room had a well functioning washing machine with two laundry baskets on each side.

The Jones bedroom was all cluttered in pink and purple with another flat screen TV, a big king size bed with blankets that have seashells on them, purple nightstands, and a huge wooden wardrobe, along with a vanity.

Otto opened the door to the Jones nursery, where little Archie was watching his father sleep on the floor. Davy was curled up in a fetal position with a thumb in his mouth. The wicked archduke slowly bent down and snatched the baby off of the floor. Archie started crying and reached out his arms as Otto took him away. Davy woke up and jumped off of the floor. He chased Otto out of the house and onto the beach while screaming, "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!"

"No can do, Mr. Jones." said the mean archduke. "This baby of yours needs to enjoy his first time at the beach."

"Give Archie back to me now."

"You can have him back when he gets his first glimpse at the sea."

Otto called to Shredder, and Davy started crying.

"Why are you calling Shredder?"

"Your little boy needs his first glimpse at a great white shark."

"You're not going to feed my boy to that shark, are you?"

"Of course I am. Shredder loves to eat babies."

"What next​?" asked Davy with his arms crossed and a sassy look on his face. "You make me eat sweets and give me another stomach bug?"

"Exactly right you are!"

"Not on my watch!" shouted the tiny Brit as he pounced on Otto and pulled baby Archie into his arms. He set the 5-month-old, blonde, hazel eyed infant onto the sand. "All right, son. Let me show you how Papa does his thing."

Davy started clawing, biting, kicking, and punching the wicked archduke. He jumped on Otto while shouting, "STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, YOU BIG BALD HEADED BULLY!"

Otto got up off the ground with a bruised hip and two black eyes. He shook his first at Davy and said, "Curse you, Jones. Just you wait. I'll make you pay back by terrorizing your town."

"You better not!"

Otto shook his head with frustration and stormed out of the beach. Archie laughed and babbled something like, "Bah, ah, oh. Ooh, ah, pah, pah."

"That's right, Archie." said Davy as he picked up his son. "Bad Otto."

The other three Monkees ran over to Davy, looking surprised.

"Davy! I'm surprised that your tot wasn't eaten by that shark." said Mike.

"I expected to see you crying and feeling sick." said Peter.

"You really stood up for yourself and your son." said Micky, patting Davy on the back.

"Thanks, man. That's what a father is for: to show you how to fight." said Davy with pride in his eyes.

"What about the mother?" asked Mike.

"Sarah? She is here to care for and look after Archie."

"Then why aren't you two together? You're his parents. Family should always be together." said Peter.

"Yeah! You only see Sarah at night and not during the day." cried Micky.

"She lives far away in North Carolina and didn't get a chance to see the sunny beaches of California." said Mike.

Davy thought for a moment. Then, he got a very genius idea.

"You know what I think, fellas? Maybe she can move to Malibu and live with us."

"Here? In the pad?" Micky was confused.

"Not necessarily." Davy with a chuckle. "There is room for only four people in the pad. I was talking about her living with me and Archie in our house on the beach."

"Now I understand." said Peter. "You two need to be with each other to protect each other."

"What I am thinking is that we can drive over to Sarah's house in the middle of the night. We'll tell her to pack up all of her things and ride in the Monkeemobile straight to Malibu with us."

"That's kidnapping!" cried Mike. "You know that's illegal!"

"Well, it's not illegal if we can sneak in and grab all of the legal documents that she needs." said Peter.

"Yeah, and we can also write a note to her parents, saying that we took her and will take good care of her." said Micky.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Peter.

"The plan," said Davy, "is to pack our bags, drive all the way to Plumtree, North Carolina and to Sarah's house. I will be waiting by the car, and you three wake her up and tell her that we are taking her to paradise. Peter, you search for the legal documents. Micky, you write the note to her parents and tape it on her bedroom door. Mike, you lay out a list of things to pack on her nightstand."

The other Monkees looked at each other. Then, they nodded their heads.

"It's a deal, man." said Mike.

"Let's do that." said Peter.

"I hope Sarah likes the southern California beaches." said Micky.

That night, Sarah was accompanied by Davy as always. He took her to bed and told her to go to sleep until someone wakes her up. At about midnight, Sarah's dogs barked when the Monkeemobile pulled into her driveway. Davy ran down and told the other Monkees, "All right, fellas. You know what to do."

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