Sarah is in Trouble

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Sigmund marched into the Jones house with a heavy tread. That woke Sarah up. When she sat up, she saw the mean chauffeur looking straight at her.

"Who are you?" Sarah asked.

"I am Sigmund, the Archduke's faithful and loyal chauffeur."

"May I ask why you are here?"

"You shall see in a minute."

Sigmund grabbed Sarah by the shoulders and pulled her out of the bed and away from Davy, who was still sleeping. He dragged her out of the house with his hand on her mouth. Sarah let out some muffled screams.

When Sarah was dragged into the beach, she saw Bettina being dragged by her cruel uncle. She was letting out the same scream that she did before Davy saved her from drowning.



Sarah looked at Sigmund and shouted with an angry glare, "Whatever you are doing, you just let us go!"

Bettina told her uncle in her most authorative voice, "You'll never get away with this, Uncle Otto!"

"I just did get away with this." said Otto as he dragged his niece to the cannons.

Sigmund lowered the cannons with Sarah still in his arms. He shoved her into one of them, and Otto did the same with his niece, the queen. Then, he raised the cannons to where the girls can be shot into the sea.

"There you go, ladies. Shredder is looking forward to having fun with you two in the morning." said the Archduke with a sinister smile, looking at his watch. "It is midnight now. We shall shoot you ladies into the sea first thing in the morning."

He called over to Sigmund, who was holding a box of matches in his hands.

Otto whispered into Sigmund's ear, "When you see the sun coming up, light one of those matches, set the two cannon ropes on fire, and we'll watch Bettina and Ms. Mullins fly in the air and splash into the water."

"All righty, sire." said the chauffeur with a bow.

At the break of dawn, the Archduke and his chauffeur woke up and got up from the sand. Sigmund struck one of his matches and set fire to the cannons' long ropes. Sarah and Bettina woke up to the sound and started to scream for help. They screamed so loudly that Davy woke up and ran straight to his window in the living room. He saw Sarah and Bettina in the huge, black steel cannons. Otto and Sigmund were doing a victory square dance and singing about how excited they are about ruling the universe. Sarah is in trouble. he thought.

Davy knew that he had to get his horse, Icicle, up on the hill. He ran out of the house and up the hill. Rosa, Nyota, Sapna, and Lan appeared and wished him good luck as he ran past them.

The other Monkees ran into the beach with white casts and slings on each of their shoulders. They have heard the girls' screams and the villains' universal domination song.

"What happens next?" asked Mike with terror.

"I heard that those no good men plan to kill every good person on Earth, including us. Davy will be the last good person on Earth, and he will be tortured for the rest of time." cried Peter with a look of horror on face.

"Oh, no. I hope not." said Micky with a brave smile. "We won't let those meanies kill our women! You know why? We are the Monkees!"

"Yeah!" Mike and Peter said together as they threw their fists into the air.

"Where's Davy?" said Peter all of a sudden.

"I don't know." said Mike.

Back on the hill, Davy was putting a leather harness on Icicle. He lifted the now 10-month-old Archie into his arms and got on the horse. "Giddyap!" he cried. Icicle gave a whinny and ran straight down the hill.

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