Otto and Sigmund Torture Davy

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Sigmund marched over to Davy and pointed his knife at the Brit's chest. "Is that an Indian-style jacket you're wearing?" he asked.

"Yes." said Davy with a smile.

"Well, do you mind if we rip it off of you?" the chauffeur asked as he cut the colorful nerhu jacket up with his knife and ripped it off Davy.

Davy yelled something like, "No! No! No!"

Otto walked over to him and saw a small pen-shaped scar on the left side of Davy's belly button. He asked with amazement, "How did you get that strange mark on your stomach?"

Davy responded with a chuckle, "That was where I had my appendix out."

Otto took the knife from Sigmund and said, "Mind if I draw some blood from it?"

The cruel archduke plunged the knife into Davy's mark, which made the little one scream in pain. He took it out and wiped the red blood off of the blade. Sigmund tied a piece of blue rope around Davy's waist. He swabbed the wound with alcohol and placed a needle and blood pump into the wound. When Sigmund pumped up the blood, Davy began to grow pale and fainted. Davy began to throw up again. This time, he was choking on his vomit.

"Give him a wedgie!" Otto ordered Sigmund.

"No!" choked Davy. "Please don't give me a wedgie!"

"Too late!" shouted Sigmund as he grabbed Davy by the pants and sang:
I see London!
I see France!
I see Mr. Jones's midget underpants!

The chauffeur pulled the tighty whities over Davy's head. Davy's black jeans fell off, and the underwear snapped from his head and back onto his butt. The tiny Monkee rubbed a big red mark all down his back while groaning in pain. Otto grabbed him by the ankles and tried to twist them, but Davy's bones were very strong. He threw the Englishman down and grabbed him by the wrists, trying to twist them. Davy felt some sharp pains in his hands. He began to let out a blood curdling scream.

"You'll never play the tambourine or maracas again, Jones!" shouted the archduke, pointing to him. "The only thing you can do is cry for all of your precious dead women!"

Sigmund took out his music player and played the sad indigenous African music again. Davy started to cry again. Otto took him by the wrists and spun him around. He threw Davy off of the ledge and onto the beach. Davy bumped onto the big rock and onto the grey, scratchy pavement. He landed on the sand a few inches behind Sarah and Bettina.

"Davy!" cried Sarah as she ran over to the crying Brit.

"Oh, no." said Bettina as she followed his chubby soulmate from behind her.

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