Davy's Nightmares

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That night, after the Monkees went to bed, Madame Montpierre snuck into Peter and Davy's room. She came over by Davy's bedside and took out her spell book. She turned to where her spells of sorrow were and took out her long stick.

"Time for the Excessive Crying Spell!" she chanted. "Little Davy sitting in his crib, dripping mashed potatoes all down his bib."

Madame Montpierre touched her stick to Davy's head, and a puff of gray smoke came up. Davy clutched his pillow, sniffing and whimpering in his sleep. The old witch then turned over to her spells of fear.

"Ah, now it's time for the Frequent Nightmare Spell." the witch chanted. "Your nightmares shall never leave, even with the heroic skills you have up your sleeve!"

She touched her stick to Davy's head again. This time, a puff of green smoke came up. Davy began to have his first nightmare in a very long time.

Davy's first nightmare was when he heard Bettina scream for help, and he got on his white horse, Icicle and rode it to where she was in danger.

"Don't worry, Queen Bettina! I'm coming to rescue you!" he cried.

Davy found Bettina tied to a pole surrounded by a big water tank that held Shredder, her uncle's pet shark. Otto and Sigmund looked happily at him.

"Come on, Mr. Jones." coaxed Otto. "Let's see what Prince Charming skills you have up your sleeve."

Bettina screamed again as Davy got off Icicle. Then, he tried to jump over the tank and climbed up the pole. As he tried to untie the ropes off Bettina, Otto chuckled, "Well done! Your mother up in heaven will be very proud."

When Davy caught the young queen into his arms, Shredder jumped up from the water and chomped on Bettina's leg, pulling her into the tank.

"Bettina!" Davy cried as the wicked Archduke laughed evilly. Then, he fell down on his knees and yelled, "Noooooo!"

Davy woke up crying and shivering with fear. He pulled the blanket over his head and continued sobbing for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Davy fell into a severe depression. He was too depressed to eat, drink, ride horses, rule the beach as the Beach Prince, monkey around, sing, dance, and play the tambourine or maracas. He spent the day in his room, bawling his eyes out.

That night, Davy had another nightmare. This time, he heard Sarah cry out for help and got on Icicle. Then, he started riding while shouting, "I'm coming to save you, my love!"

Davy found Sarah tied to a railroad track. A big train was coming for her. Inside of it were Otto and Madame Montpierre, who were cackling with mischief. Davy got off his horse and ran towards the train and tried to push it back with all his might, but Otto slammed down on the gas pedal and pushed him off, killing Sarah by running over her.

Davy ran over to Sarah and wailed in sorrow, holding the dead woman. He woke up screaming so loudly that he woke the other Monkees. Peter ran over to his bedside while Mike and Micky ran downstairs and into the room. They found Davy crying on Peter's shoulder.

"Is Davy alright?" asked Mike.

"I'm afraid not." said Peter as he patted Davy's back. "Davy had another nightmare. It was about Sarah getting killed by a train with Archduke Otto and a witch in it. He had one last night where Bettina gets drowned and eaten by a shark."

"Oh, no. Poor Davy." said Micky. "Maybe those nightmares are due to those flashbacks of Bettina."

Davy stopped crying and said, "Just so you know, I wish I could see Bettina one last time, if she is still alive."

"We'll take you to the airport on a flight to Harmonica first thing in the morning, little buddy." said Mike, patting Davy's back.

"Thank you, man." said Davy as he lay back down and went back to sleep.

"You're welcome." said Micky as he and Mike left the room.

Peter tucked Davy into bed while singing a lullaby before getting back into his own bed.

The next morning, Mike, Peter, and Micky were dressed and ready for the day. Meanwhile, Peter ran downstairs to check on Davy, who was still sleeping peacefully. He pulled back the blankets and carried Davy into the MonkeeMobile and buckled up his seat belt. Mike and Micky followed behind him and got in, too with Mike in the driver's seat and Micky in the passenger's seat. While Mike started the car, Peter draped a blue, silk blanket over the tiny, sleeping British man.

It took a few minutes for the boys to get to the airport. Davy slept through the whole trip. The boys walked into the airport with Peter carrying the sleeping Davy, still wrapped in the blanket, in his arms. Suddenly, the Monkees heard loud footsteps behind them. It was Otto, who said, "If your little friend wants to see my dear niece one more time, then he might as well come along with me."

"No! I will not let you take Davy and make him feel miserable!" cried Micky.

"Of course you will. My dearest Bettina will feel sorry for him when she sees him crying. Besides, she is very close to him."

The evil Archduke gave a wicked chuckle as he swept Davy out of Peter's arms. Then, he ran off with the small Brit into his private plane. When Otto set Davy down on the seat, the little man opened his eyes and looked around. "'Ey! Where am I?" he asked.

"You are on the Archduke's private plane." chuckled Otto.

"You again! You're seriously not going to try and make me miserable, are you?"

"Try? No. Make you miserable? Yes."

A few days later, the plane landed on the private royal airlines. Otto came out, holding Davy by the neck and choking him. The Archduke dragged the small Englishman into the prison below Bettina's palace and threw him into his old jail cell, locking the door. Davy shivered with fright as he saw Otto, Sigmund, and Madame Montpierre cackling evilly. Then, he saw a pen full of gray wolves, mountain lions about the color of his tan skin, and some bobcats. Davy gulped as the the old witch approached him.

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