A White Knight on His Steed

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"Well, we have two choices." said Sarah with a nervous chuckle. "That is let Davy rescue us or get drowned and eaten by a shark."

"You know what I would do?" asked Bettina. "Let Davy rescue us. You know why?"

"He is our only hope." the girls said together.

Suddenly, they looked down and saw three chipmunks in hoodies. Sarah was thrilled, but Bettina was confused.

Otto and Sigmund looked from behind the cannons. Sigmund got scared and pointed to them. "Sire, look! Three small gophers in hoodies!"

"We are not gophers! We are chipmunks!" said Alvin, the chipmunk in the red hoodie with the big yellow, "A" on the front.

"We are talking and singing chipmunks, that is." said Simon, the skinny chipmunk in glasses and the blue hoodie.

"Boy, do we have a message for you!" said Theodore, the chubby chipmunk in the green hoodie.

"Alvin! Simon! Theodore!" cried Sarah.

"Talking and singing chipmunks?" said Bettina. "Sarah, dear. Since when did you know that they are chipmunks that sing and talk?"

"I've known them for about ten years."


"Don't you worry, ladies. We will deliver this message to you in song." said Alvin as he took out his electric guitar.

Simon took out his electric guitar, and Theodore got out his drum kit. The boys did a little hard rock rhythm with their guitars. The music got faster, and the boys started to sing a song about how Davy is coming to save the world. As they sang, Sarah and Bettina smiled. Otto and Sigmund covered their ears. The three Monkees started dancing to the beat. When the song ended, the Chipettes, all dressed in white shirts with the Monkees logo on them and black skirts, saw Davy come around with his horse. They took their blue pom-poms and shouted while doing a cheerleading dance routine, "Go, Davy, go! Go, Davy, go! Go, boy! Go, boy! Monkey around!"

Davy got off his horse and saw Sarah and Bettina in the cannons. Otto turned around to see him.

"Well, hello, Jones. Are you ready for your last day of happiness? Are you ready to say farewell to your fair maidens forever?"

The tiny superstar gave a little smirk. He grabbed the Archduke by the collar and said straight into his face, "I am ready to destroy you and your chauffeur! I am also ready to eliminate all evil in the universe! I will save the universe this instant, or my name isn't David Thomas Jones!"

He threw Otto down, grabbed a metal bucket, and ran straight towards the ocean.

"Davy! No!" cried Sarah.

"Never wander too far into the ocean!" warned Bettina.

Davy wasn't wandering too far. He was taking some water from the salty ocean waves. He went back onto land and threw the bucket onto the cannons' ropes. The fires went out. The Englishman was really proud of himself.

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