Queen Bettina's Speech

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The next day, Bettina took a private flight to Malibu. A few days later, the young queen was on the Malibu beach. "Everybody gather around!" she called to all of the people on the beach. The crowd bowed down to her and sat in a circle around her. Then, Bettina started to speak.

"Greetings from the country of Harmonica. I am Bettina, the queen. I have summoned you for a specific reason. My wicked uncle, Archduke Otto, is on the loose after I had him exiled for his selfish crimes. He has teamed up with his chauffeur, Sigmund, and a wicked old witch by the name of Madame Montpierre. Where I come from, witchcraft is illegal. Every day, thousands of people are being affected by evil with fear, destruction, sadness, pain, and death. My uncle, his chauffeur, and the witch are the last three villains on Earth. We must conquer them before they conquer us. It takes a lot of time and effort to eliminate the wickedness that has plagued the universe. We also need the help of your British beach prince, Davy Jones. He is our only hope. The Monkees are the only ones, who can restore happiness, joy, and paradise to this planet. Davy Jones's soulmate, Sarah Mullins, is the last damsel in distress on Earth. All of the other ones are dead. I was a damsel in distress myself before I became queen. If we don't protect Ms. Mullins from destruction and death, evil will rule over good, and Davy will be sad forever. With these words I speak, I assure you that there will come a day when all evil is vanquished!"

The crowd clapped and clapped. Bettina said with a curtsy, "I must be going now to stay at a hotel. I bid you farewell." The crowd waved goodbye as the queen walked out of the beach and into her private limosine. As it drove away, Otto and Sigmund watched it pass by with anger.

Little DavyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora