Haunted Memories of Bettina

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Davy's POV:

I felt very sick to my stomach while thinking about the times I had with Bettina. The first time I met her was when she was riding on a raft in the ocean she got from her evil uncle Otto. It exploded and she started to scream. I ran over to her, dove in, and rescued Bettina, much to his disappointment. He thanked me for saving his niece, sarcastically, that is. She went away, taking my jacket with her.

The next day, Bettina and I were on the beach again, talking about her responsibilities as queen of Harmonica. That was when we started to have a romantic relationship running and holding hands near the ocean. I hid her in the pad that night. That was when Otto found us. Bettina knew that her uncle was trying to destroy her.

At her coronation ball, I blocked that villain, who was with his niece, planning to destroy her. We challenged each other to a sword fight. I almost lost when the clock struck midnight. Bettina, now queen, arrested her own uncle.

The last time I saw Bettina, she was dirty and badly wounded. In the hospital, we stared into each other's eyes. I was happy to see her again.

I missed Bettina dearly. Now, I still love Sarah with all my heart. Bettina, on the other hand, was a very close friend of mine.

I spent the rest of the day imagining how the memories would be different. What if I was coming to save Bettina and her uncle's pet shark, Shredder, ate her? I would start crying. What if I ran and held hands with her on the beach and either Sigmund pulls her away and puts her in a pot of boiling hot sauce in order to make,"Bettina Stew," or I picked her up and Sigmund snatched her away from me and threw her to Shredder? Surely I would get down on my knees and cry, "Noooooo!" What if the clock struck midnight and Otto was very fast in stabbing Bettina to death and declared himself king, announcing her death? Then, he would lead everybody in doing the Chicken Dance after ordering me and the other Monkees to run away and never return. If all those things have happened, all of the episodes in our show would become tragedies, where the girl I fall in love with dies at the end, and we end up crying our eyes out.

I was so overwhelmed that I lost my appetite at dinner and just went on with my bedtime routine. After brushing my teeth, I dragged into bed, unable to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning until Peter slipped my stuffed bunny under my arm. That was when I fell into an unpleasant slumber.

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