Rock-a-bye Davy

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Davy was happy to see me again, too. So were the other Monkees, especially Micky.

"This is Sarah and Davy's remarriage license." he said, handing a yellow folder to Mike.

"All righty, man. That means we should seal Sarah and Keith Moon's remarriage license and put it away."

Mike put the old remarriage license inside the folder. Then he looked over at me and Davy, who had his head on my shoulder. Peter marched into the room and said happily, "I am so happy that you two are back together. Let's try to make this romance permanent, okay?"

"Okay, Peter." said Davy with a smirk on his face.

"Have fun, you two!" beamed Micky as he left with Mike and Peter following him.

Davy crawled onto my lap and into my arms. He was so warm and soft that I felt the same way. He looked straight into my eyes and sweetly whispered, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too, baby boy." I crooned back to him.

Davy giggled at that comment and said, "You know I love you more than any other guy on Earth, especially that irresponsible Keith Moon. That's why I keep calling your name."

"I love you more than any other girl on Earth, who keeps chasing you all over the place. That's why I woke up, calling back to you."

"I just knew that we were REALLY meant to be." chuckled Davy, laying his head on my chest.

He got up and wrapped his arms around my neck. Then, he led me into a slightly deep, wet kiss, using the tip of his tongue. I joined him in this sign of deep affection. We kissed for a few minutes, then broke away. That was when he gave me a peck on the cheek and on the hand.

The clock stroke 10:00 pm, which was my usual bedtime. Davy reached out his arms, and I picked him up, like I did two years ago. As I carried him to my bedroom, I sang:
Rock-a-bye Davy
On the treetop
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
And down will come Davy
Cradle and all

Davy did a yawn as I put him down in my bed. I got in with him, took my iPod out of my bedside drawer, and turned it on. I entered my pass code and turned on the lullaby playlist I made for Davy. Davy made a faint groan as he snuggled his head onto my chest underneath the blankets. Suddenly, I felt him unbuttoning the front of my nightgown and rolling over to the left. He took out one of my breasts and placed it into his mouth. I felt contented as I felt Davy making that relaxed moan and gently sucking my boob. This was the first night of my reconciliation with the tiniest male beauty on Earth.

The next night, Micky peeked into my bedroom and giggled.

"What's so funny, man?" asked Mike.

"Davy's in Sarah's room, and they were all butt naked!"

"Yuck!" said Peter, making a face. "That is the grossest thing anyone could ever see. What would Sarah and Davy do in a bedroom naked?"

"They are doing something called, "The Birds and the Bees." That what happens when a man and a woman love each other very much."

"That is exactly where babies come from." said Mike. "They were planning on having another child."

"Aw, come on! They had four kids already: Monica, Mandy, DJ, and Harry. I don't know where they are now."

"They're all grown up and going out on their own. I think Davy planned on having another son."

"Um, let me ask Davy if that is true."

Micky quietly tiptoed into my room and approached Davy, who was in bed on top on me.

"Um, Davy?"

"Get out of here, man! Go!" Davy yelled so loudly that Micky ran out of the room, frightened.

"Gosharooney! What a grouch."

"Oh, yeah?" said Peter. "He will be a lot grouchier when he is done with, 'The Birds and the Bees.'"

"Yikes!" cried Micky, shivering with fear.

He heard the contented groans from Davy through the wall. A few minutes later, Davy opened the door with his clothes back on. He grabbed Micky by the collar and shouted, "Holy frog's legs! What you did was rude, man! Why would you do such a thing like that?"

"Uh, I don't know. Is it just 'cause you're short?"

"That's exactly right. Yes, I planned on having another son."

"What are you going to name him?"

"You'll see."

The next day, Davy and I had a boy. We named him Archie Philip Jones. If we had another boy, we'd name him Timothy. If we had a girl, we'd name her either Alice or Davina.

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