Davy's Second Mother

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Back at Malibu, Davy came into the pad, stumbling, groaning, and holding his stomach.

"What happened, Davy?" asked Peter with a concerned look on his face.

"That wicked old witch made me eat a chocolate chip cookie that was dipped in some kind of potion that struck me with a 24-hour stomach bug."

"What kind of chocolate chip cookie would give you a stomach virus?" asked Micky.

"It was contaminated with some kind of witchcraft brew that made bad things happen. You see, I was on my throne, which is that big, black rock on the beach. There I saw Otto and Sigmund feeding a baby to Shredder. I ran over and tried to save that poor child, but the baby ended up in the shark's mouth. I started crying, much to the archduke's glee. Then, Sigmund dipped the cookie into one of Madame Montpierre's bottles of potion. She held it to my mouth. Otto forced me to eat it. The whole thing got into my mouth. My stomach started to hurt. I threw up. I stood up and could hardly walk."

"Awwww. No wonder that mean old archduke is trying to make you feel miserable." said Mike.

"Yeah, man. I think that he is trying very hard to cause evilness on Earth." Davy groaned as he fainted and fell into Peter's arms.

"We'd better get this little guy to bed, so he can rest." said Peter to the other Monkees.

"Right!" said Micky as he scooped Davy up into his arms and carried the Englishman downstairs.

The curly-haired Monkee dressed the tiny one into nice, clean pajamas and tucked him into bed. He placed a trash can that said, "Barf Bin," on Davy's nightstand and slipped a stuffed lamb under Davy's arm. Micky kissed the top of Davy's head and whispered, "Good night, man. I hope you feel better." As he left the room, Davy started having another nightmare.

The nightmare was about all of the girls, except Bettina and Sarah, from every single episode of The Monkees, looking at him with awe. Behind him was Otto and Sigmund, who was holding a remote control in his hand.

"Shall we hypnotize Mr. Jones into wanting only Bettina?" asked the chauffeur.

"We shall do that right away." said the archduke with an evil chuckle.

Sigmund pressed the button, and shocked Davy until the little man got very dizzy. When Davy got out of his dizzy state, he looked at the girls and plopped down on the floor. Then, he started crying, which made the girls feel sorry for him. "I WANT BETTINA!" sobbed Davy.

He threw himself onto his stomach, screaming Bettina's name and banging his fists. He stopped screaming in order to wake up from his nightmare and vomit into the Barf Bin. Davy lifted up his head to see the young queen looking back at him. He smiled and gave her a big hug.

"Bettina! What were you doing here?" Davy asked.

"I have come to protect you from my Uncle Otto, his chauffeur, and that mean old witch, which is why witchcraft is illegal in Harmonica. Did you know that they are the last three villains left on Earth?"

"No. What happened to all the other evildoers?"

"I had them all executed for their wicked ways."

"Good. I'm glad that all the wickedness is almost eliminated."

"So am I. I'm sorry that they made you sick."

"It's no fun being sick at all. By the way, since you're already married to Ringo, is it okay if I call you, 'Mummy?'"

"Yes. Why?"

"My real mother, Doris Jones, passed away from epysema a long time ago. I was very devastated. Now all I have is my father, my grandfather, and my three sisters."

"My goodness! I don't have any siblings at all. I was an only child. When I was six years old, my uncle killed everyone in my family, including my parents. He has been trying to kill me ever since until I arrested him, and then banished him. I'd be more than happy to be your second mother."

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome. Starting tomorrow, I shall make you my Secret Equestrian Agent, since you ride a horse," said Bettina as she strapped a video watch onto Davy's wrist, "and you shall also be a Damsel in Distress Rescuer, since you love to rescue innocent girls. You rescued me once, didn't you?"

"Yes. I sure did. Boy was your uncle really mean."

"He sure was." said Bettina as she kissed the top of his head and laid a GPS on his nightstand. Davy fell asleep while she left the room.

The next morning, Davy woke up to a beeping sound on his GPS. He picked it up and saw a red dot that said, "Damsel in Distress on Westward Beach." He quickly got dressed, ran out of the pad, and to the beach. When Davy got there, he saw Otto carrying a screaming Latina woman upside down. "Shredder! Here, boy." he called. Davy ran over to the Hispanic woman and tried to pull her away from Otto, but Otto pushed him off and threw the woman into the ocean with Shredder jumping up and catching her with his sharp teeth. Davy tried not to cry as he pressed the communicator button on his watch and told Bettina, "I'm sorry. I have failed."

"Don't worry." said Bettina. "I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other innocent women in danger."

Davy quickly got on his horse, Icicle, and rode him into town. Luckily, Davy's GPS had a, "world travel," button. He pressed it and saw three more damsels in distress on Earth: one from Africa, one from India, and one from Vietnam. He touched the screen and ended up in the African savannahs of Kenya, where he saw a dark-skinned, teenage girl, who was surrounded by a pack of hungry lionesses trained by Otto and Sigmund.

Davy quietly tiptoed towards the girl when a lioness grabbed him by the shirt and threw him aside. Then, she joined her sisters into tearing the African girl into a million pieces with the archduke doing a victory dance. Otto called, "You're too late!"

Davy hung his head in disappointment and touched the screen on his GPS. He ended up near a pond in India, where he heard a screaming girl. He ran over and saw her being cornered near a tree by a fierce Bengal tiger, that had Otto on it's back. Davy tried to pull her to safety, but the tiger snatched her away and walked off with Otto saying, "You failed again, Jones."

Davy did a sigh of defeat as he touched the screen and ended up near a Vietnamese river with a young woman about to drown in it. The Archduke was riding a canoe with a big crocodile on a leash. Davy dove into the river the same time Otto released the crocodile into the water. When he almost reached the Vietnamese woman, the crocodile grabbed her leg and pulled her underwater. Davy pouted and swam back onto land with Otto pulled in behind him.

"Three strikes, you're out, Mr. Jones. All of the precious women you tried to rescue are now dead."

"I knew it! I knew you were trying to make me miserable!"

"Well, that is my job to make you cry."

The mean Archduke stared into the little Monkee's eyes.

"Why are you starring at me?" asked Davy.

"I will not leave or let you go until you cry!"

Otto called to Sigmund, who climbed down a tree with a small music player in his hand. The Archduke examined the content on it and got an idea.

"That's it!" said Otto. "If we play some sad indigenous African music, then the little runt will have no choice than to go back home, crying. Shall we do that?"

"Certainly, boss." said Sigmund as he pressed the, "play," button and turned the volume all the way up.

After nine seconds, an indigenous African woman sang a song of grief in an exotic African language. The song was so sad that Davy bursted into tears, touched the screen on his GPS, and ended up back home in Malibu. The song kept playing as he got on Icicle and rode back to the pad, crying his eyes out.

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