Chpt. 1: Christmas Break

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(That's Evan, his roommate.)

Third POV

Packing his bag full of clothes, Percy smiled at his roommate, Evan, who was wearing a Christmas sweater with a tree on it. Percy's phone blared Christmas songs as snow flurries blew wildly outside. Grabbing a pair of socks, Percy shoved them in the bag. 

Evan grinned, dancing over in his sweater, sweatpants, and his fuzzy socks. 

"Santa baby~" Evan sang, dancing around Percy's body, smirking at him as Percy sang along quietly. 

"~Hurry down the chimney tonight!" Percy ended the song, laughing afterwards. 

"You done packing?"Evan asked curiously, looking over Percy's shoulder.

"Nearly. You?" 


"Mm." Evan turned on another song from Percy's phone. Evans danced on his bed, swaying his hips from side to side. "Done," Percy said after a while, making Evan stop dancing and hop onto the floor. 

"Dance with meh," Evan laughed, grabbing Percy's hands and dancing back and forth. And so they danced, which really consisted of wiggling their hips about. 

After the song ended, Percy grabbed it, shoving it in his coat pocket. "I've gotta go now, Evy." 

"Ugh...Fine. Send me pics, alright? Update me. Constantly."

"Will do." 

"And maybe call me on Christmas?" Evan asked hopefully. Evan's parents kicked him out when he came out, and he hadn't really celebrated Christmas with anyone since. 

"Of course," Percy grinned, kissing his forehead. "I'll call you when I get there, and on Christmas morning." 

"Love you! Drive safe!" Evan shouted from his bed. 

"Love you too, idiot," Percy grinned, blowing a kiss before walking down to his car and shoving his bags in. Taking out his phone, he called his parent's line. "Hey dad, papa, I'm on the way. Love you." 

Starting to drive, he zoned out as he listened to the holiday songs that played on the radio, with a relaxed smile on his face. 


When he arrived at his dads' house, he got out of his car, after parking it, obviously. He took out his suitcase, one slung over his shoulder, the other being wheeled behind him as he walked up the sidewalk, ringing the doorbell. Setting down the luggages, he waited patiently as he could. 

The door opened and Josh and Andrew ran out, hugging him, dragging him and the suitcases in with him. 

"I'm so glad you came," Andrew gushed, hugging him again. "Christmas with this old fart isn't nearly the same." 

Josh rolled his eyes at the insult, wrapping his arms around his husband. 

"Me too, dad, papa. Me too." 

"Guess what," Josh wiggled his eyebrows. 


"Luke's on his way!" 

"What? Really?" It had been months since he had seen his boyfriend in person. They'd skyped, of course, and talked to each other through calling and texting, but not in person. 

"Yup. Tony arranged it." 

Percy smiled at the fact that Tony had contributed to making him happy. 

"I should probably let my roommate know I made it." 

They nodded as he walked outside, standing on the porch. 

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