Chpt. 4: Off To Grandma's House We Go!

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"I don't like you," Xavier informed from the driver's seat. "Just so you know." 

"Then why'd you let me come with you to your grandma's?" 

"'re in a wrong state, for starters. Do your parents even know where you are?" 

"You want the truth?" 

"Call them, Percy. Or I'm stopping this car and will refuse to move." 

"I don't like you anymore," Percy pouted. He took his phone out. "Can't. It's dead." 

Xavier gave him a smile that said 'nice try' as he pulled out his own phone, handing it over. "Nice try." 

"I really don't like you." 

"I really don't care." 

So Percy called Loki's number, because he would be the most calm about it. 

"Hey," he greeted over the phone. "It's Percy." 

"Whose phone is this and where the fuck are you?" 

"One, my friend's phone. Two, I'm going to grandma's!" 

"The fuck are you on?" 

"I took a lot of medication for pain relief." 


"Just...Let everyone know that I'm alright. Kay? Thanks." 

"Ugh...Fine. I won't say anything to protect you, just so you know. You got yourself into this mess." 

"I know...Thanks, Loks." 

"Whatever, kid." 


"So what's my story?" Percy asked as they drove in the night to Xavier's grandparents. 

"What do you mean?" 

"First off--are they homophobic? Do they know you're bi?" 

"Yeah, they're cool with it." 

"Alright that helps a lot." 

Xavier shot him a look, questioning where this was going. 

"You do realize that they know that you were in the hospital? That you're the one that I got into a car accident with." 

"I know." 

"Then why do you need an alibi?" 

"Because...It's always good to have one." 

"Right. Why were you driving out in a snowstorm?" 

"Because my ex-boyfriend cheated on me. And I'm still upset." 

Xavier nodded, as though he understand. 

"Was it a dude or woman?" 

"Not sure. But he denied it for so long...but he was lying." 

"I walked in on my ex fucking my best friend." 


"Yeah...I lost my boyfriend and my best friend that day." 

"At least your best friend didn't die." 

"Whoa what?" 

"My best friend--Tyler--he got into a car accident, and something in the car pierced his lung or something." 

"I'm sorry," Xavier apologized. 

"Me too. I let him go--and that's why he's dead." 

They were silent for a while. 

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