Chpt. 25: Nightmares & Invitations

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They had fallen asleep together. During the night, percy woke due to a nightmare, which bothered him deeply. He slipped out of Derek's arms, going through the halls to the balcony, where he sat, his knees pulled to his chest. 

Tears fell freely from his eyes, him feeling no shame for a moment of weakness in the dark. 

He sat there for ages. 


Waking up due to the lack of warmth, Derek stirred. He looked around for his boyfriend, finding him not in the room. So he looked around the apartment, finding him sitting on the balcony. He climbed through the window, joining him. 

He didn't say anything, he just sat there, in the same position Percy was in. 

Then he heard the silent sobs from Percy. 

He was unsure of what to do--how to console him. He moved over, slightly on edge. 

"Perce?" he asked quietly, hoping for some sign of direction. 

Percy turned, burying his face in Derek's neck, arms wrapping around his neck. "Just hold me," he sniffled out, though muffled. Derek's arms slid around the smaller man, comforting him. 

"Wanna go back to bed?"

"Will you hold me?" 

"Of course." 

Percy nodded. Derek walked back to their room, carrying Percy. He laid down on the bed with him, arms wrapping around his waist. "Want to talk about it?"

"No," Percy muttered. 

So they didn't talk.


Hours later, Derek woke again to Percy sobbing into his knees. Derek sat up immediately, wrapping his arms around the other. He ran his hand through Percy's locks of hair, kissing his temple as he did so. 

"Hon, I've got you. I've got you," Derek reassured him, pulling him closer slowly. 

Percy turned in his arms, straddling his lap as he wrapped his arms around Derek's neck. Derek's arms slid around his waist naturally, pulling his body to him. 

Derek didn't say much to quiet the younger man, settling on holding him. 


That morning, Derek woke up before Percy. He was about to go to the bathroom to relieve his bladder, but decided against it, knowing that Percy might not have the best reaction to him not being there. 

Slowly, Percy woke up, his head on Derek's chest. 

"Good morning," Derek whispered, smiling at him. 

"Morning." He nuzzled his chest slightly, yawning. 

"I need to go the bathroom. I'll be back," Derek informed him before sliding out of bed to go to the bathroom. 

Percy laid in bed while waiting for Derek to come back. After Derek washed his hands, he came back. He slid into the bed by Percy, wrapping his arms around Percy's waist. 

"You ready to wake up yet, or no?" 

"Just wanna cuddle," Percy replied tiredly. 

"Good, me too." 

So they laid in bed, cuddling closely, legs intertwined. 

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Derek yawned, blinking. Percy stirred in his arms, sitting up. 

"Who is it?" 


"Come in." 

Andrew came in, raising an eyebrow at the position they were in. "You guys want breakfast?" 

"It's time for breakfast already?" Percy gaped. "What time is it?" 

"It's 8:30. Yeah, time for breakfast. Should we make some food for you two?" 

"Um, yes, please. Thanks dad," Percy smiled, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders. 

"No problem." Andrew left quietly. Percy climbed out of bed tiredly, and slowly. Derek followed suit. 

So they went to the kitchen, holding hands. Percy sat down on the couch, Derek sitting by him and hugging him. They were quiet, enjoying each other's company. 

Carlisle walked over, sitting on Derek's lap. 

"Good morning!" 

"Morning, kiddo," Derek smiled. "Sleep well?" 



Carlisle wrapped his arms around Percy, smiling as he did so. "Good morning!" 

"Morning, lil' C." 

"Did you sleep good?" Carlisle asked curiously.

Percy and Derek looked at each other for a moment. "Um, I had a bit of a rough night last night," Percy said slowly, cautiously. Derek squeezed his hand, smiling at him. 

Derek saw Andrew and Josh look at each other with concern and worry as they glanced over at Percy. "What do you mean?" Josh asked. 

"Just a few nightmares."

"You alright now?" 

"I don't know." 

Derek rubbed his hand subconsciously with his thumb, smiling. 

"Food's ready!" Josh exclaimed. 

So they all went to the table, sitting down together. Derek sat by Percy, Carlisle on the other side of Percy, Josh and Andrew across from them. 

"So what's going on with you, Carlisle?" Percy asked curiously. 

"Not much, I got an A+ on my Math test, which was pretty good." 

"That's great," Percy grinned. 


"I made a new friend, too." 

"Oh? What's their name?" 

"His name's Noah. He's really nice."

Percy blinked, looking at Derek. Isn't that the typical beginning of a 'I like them' type thing? And by the look on Derek's face, he must have been thinking the same thing. 

"Oh? Is he in your class?" Josh asked. 

"Yeah, he's new. He just moved here." 

"What's he look like?" Andrew questioned. 

"He's got blonde hair and brown eyes. He always wears this locket--it was his mom's. He's pretty cool."

"What's his last name?" Percy chimed in, hand dipping into his pocket and unlocking his phone. He opened the text messages with Chase. 


"Noah Witherspoon?" Percy repeated just to be clear. 

Carlisle nodded. 

Percy, at this point, had texted Chase. 

Percy: Noah Witherspoon @ my location rn

Chase: wait rly? 

Percy: yep

Chase: is it cool if i bunker down with you guys while trying to detain him? 

Percy: prolly. just do it, I'll deal with the consequences later

Chase: alright cya soon then jackson

Percy: bye chase

He put his phone back in his pocket, pretending nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Pretending was one of his best skills at this point. It was disappointing on one hand, but on the other, it was immensely useful.

He'd just have to wait to see how things work out.

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