Chpt. 21: Damaged Hearts

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Percy sat in his dads' apartment, head against the wall. Derek sat across from him, mirroring the image. 

"So," Percy offered, unsure of how to continue. He hadn't talked to Derek for a month or so. He didn't know if anything had changed in the meantime. If Derek had fallen out of love with him. 

"I still love you," Derek said. 

Percy sighed, nodding. "Why can't you just...not like me?" 

"Because it doesn't work that way," Derek pouted in response.  "Although I wish it did." 

Andrew walked in, looking at the two of them. "What the hell are you two doing?" 

"Talking," Percy pointed out obviously. 

"Couldn't tell, thanks for the elaboration," Andrew said sarcastically. Percy was too far in his mind to let this make any sense. 

"Welcome," he returned. 

Andrew raised an eyebrow at Derek, who shrugged. 


"Yeah, Percy?" 

"You know that thing that Tanner and I did to mess with Conner?" 

"Sadly. Yeah, what about it?" 

"Conner's gay. And he moaned AJ's name. Were they together?" 

"Not before we started dating," Derek said, lips pursed. 

Percy winced at that. "Sorry."

"Shit happens. I built a bridge and got over it."

"So what're we gonna do about this?"

"Can we at least try? We're both single..."

Percy pursed his lips. "Fine. Okay."

"We do have one requirement with this all," Josh informed, crossing his arms. "Percy is the only one to do anything. Derek, you can't do anything to alter his decisions."

"Of course," Derek said eagerly, obviously jumping at the opportunity to date their son.

Percy was quiet, still thinking quietly to himself. Everything they did before would have a twist on it. It was a strange concept.

Then his phone started ringing. Percy answered out of habit. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Bruce. I was reading up on the topics and I have yet to find anything on the tongue piercing. However, for the tattoo, there is a way I could get rid of it."

"Really? How painful are we talking?"

"Shouldn't be any more painful than getting the tattoo itself."

"Okay...Um, will I need anyone else to be there or anything?"

"Mm...I mean, you could have someone there if you wanted."

"Tony. I want him with me."

"Okay, I'll talk to him. Now, Percy, this is going to be something that will take place in an actual hospital, not in the tower. You know?"

"Okay. When will I need to be there?"

"Whenever is fine with me."

", is it gonna happen?"

"I'll have, remove the skin."

"Okay," Percy whispered. "Can I take any meds before you do it?"

"Yes, we'll mostly likely have you on some sort of relaxation medication."

"Will I...see it happen?"

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