Chpt. 9: Ho Ho Ho

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Merry Christmas indeed. 

Percy nearly dropped Carlisle on the ground when he saw who it was. Xavier, observant as he was, took Carlisle from Percy, making sure that the boy didn't fall. "That him?" Xavier whispered. Percy answered with a nod. 

Xavier set Carlisle down on his feet, crossing the room steadily. And he punched him right in the nose. 

"For both of the hoes that betrayed us," Xavier said, returning to Percy's side, an arm around his shoulders. 

"What the hell was that for!?" Luke shouted, enraged. 

"For being a hoe--I thought that was obvious," Xavier remarked. 

"In this case, babe, he's the asshole who steals the presents," Percy pointed out, smirking lightly. 

"And he had no heart," Xavier returned, smiling at the reference of the Grinch. 

"Oh, he had a heart--a tiny pea sized one that was so selfish that he never found love." 

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how the asshole stole Percy's happiness," Xavier bowed dramatically, obviously one for theatre. 

"If my happiness was returned, does that mean that you're my Santa?" Percy thought about it for a minute. "You're my Daddy then!" 

"Oh dear Lord," Andrew sputtered, choking on his drink. 

"Kinky," Tony noted, grinning. "Sounds like fun." 

"Sounds like a load of bull to me," Josh growled, obviously disapproving. 

"You have a Daddy kink? What are you, incapable of getting a real dad to like you?" Luke sneered.

"What the fuck is this? Kinkshaming?" Percy scoffed. "It'd better not be. And you'd know about not getting your dad to like you." 

"You are what you eat."

"Then you must be a...Let me name them: dick, asshole, and recently discovered, pussy. Least I'm straight up dick." Percy thought about it for a while, then laughed. "Ha--straight. Not me."

Percy's phone started ringing with the the ring tone of Touching On My by 3oh!3.

Blushing slightly, he answered it.


There were muffled voices from the other side of the phone.

Percy pursed his lips. "What does that have to do with me?"

More talking.

"I'll have a few words with him, okay? He won't get away with it. This is the last straw..."

The others couldn't make out what the other was saying.

"Meet me at eight, I'll text location. Make sure you bring the stock of Budlight. You're gonna need it."

He ended the call after that.

Then, after biting his lower lip, he dialed a number he remembered from years ago. It hadn't changed.

"So whatcha up to lately Tanny?"

"None of your business, pothead."

"Takes one to know one. Heard you broke a friend of mine's heart."


"I pride myself in being fair. And merciful. But you've passed a few too many lines. Time and time again, you disappoint. I might just have to take matters into my own hands."

"What's this? A threat? I thought you were smarter than that."

"Ya know that time I shot you with the nailgun in the hands? Wasn't an accident. And the time with the bleach, that was great."

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