Chpt. 17: Sicky Icky

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The next morning, when they woke up, Derek woke up before Percy. Percy's head was on his chest and looked a bit troubled. Derek gently shook him awake. 

"Percy, wake up." 

Percy stirred awake slowly. "Ugh...huh?"

"You feel warm."

"Yeah, that's just body heat, Der. If you paid attention in Biology, you'd know this."

"No, you feel have a temperature."

"What? I haven't been sick in ages!" 

"I'm gonna go get a thermometer." 

"No, I'll go get it, I have to go to the bathroom, anyways." Percy got up, his head throbbing. He climbed over Derek, then went to the bathroom. He relieved his bladder before washing his hands. He took the thermometer out of the cabinet, popping it in his mouth. 

"What's it say?" Derek questioned, appearing behind him, as Percy took it out. 

It showed up with a 101 degree Fahrenheit. Percy sniffled, wiping the thermometer off and putting it away. 

"I don't feel good," Percy sighed. 

"That's cause you've got a fever." 

Percy groaned, walking out of the bathroom and falling back into bed. 

Derek followed him. "How do you feel?" 


"But like what? Hot or cold..." 

"Meh. I feel cold, I guess." 

Derek nodded, getting another blanket and throwing it on Percy. "Here. I'm gonna go get your dad. He's a nurse. He knows how to deal with you better than I do." 

So he walked out of the bedroom, going to Andrew and Josh's bedroom. He knocked on the door. Of course, it felt awkward waking up his friend's parents, but whatever. He had no room for caring anymore. 

He waited patiently until the door opened. Josh stood there, yawning, in pajama pants and a tee-shirt. "Yeah? What's up?" he asked, blinking himself more awake. 

"Percy's sick and I don't know what to do." 

"Is he throwing up?" 

"No," Derek replied. Then there was a retching that was quite loud. "Must be." 

Andrew got out of bed, going to Percy, who was hugging the toilet bowl, looking extremely pale. Percy rested his forehead against the bowl, feeling worse than he ever felt. 

Josh and Derek poked their heads in, concerned about Percy. Andrew shooed them away quickly. So Josh and Derek stayed in the kitchen. Josh started making breakfast. 

"Hey, thanks for telling us," Josh said quietly, glancing at Derek, who was helping him cook breakfast. 

"Yeah...No problem. Sorry to wake you guys up." 

"No, it's fine. I'm glad you woke us up. Percy's never really taken care of himself when he was sick." 

"I figured," Derek smiled fondly as he cracked some eggs into the skillet. "He acts younger when he gets sick," Derek noted.

"Mhm. That's something he's done since we adopted him. I don't know when that started happening, but we've gotten used to it." 

"Hm. Maybe it's just a Percy thing," Derek smiled. His friend was definitely one of a kind. 

"Probably is." 

Footsteps sounded and Carlisle trudged in, tiredly, holding his blanket in his arm. He went to the couch, laying down. 

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