Chpt. 20: Down, Son.

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A few days had passed before Percy saw Xavier again. He had been walking Carlisle home, an arm around his shoulders. Xavier had been walking--trying to clear his mind of college and work. 

"Hey, guys," Xavier greeted casually. 

"Hey Xavier!" Carlisle smiled. 

Percy didn't say anything. He was more put off by the fact that Xavier was welcomed so easily back into their lives. Along with the fact that he was a bit pissed off about the whole thing with Tanner.  

"Hello, Perce." 

"Hi, Xav." 

Percy continued walking, turning the corner sharply and running into the man himself. There stood Tanner, who grinned wickedly at him. 

Percy glared, promptly dumping his coffee over Tanner's head. Tanner wiped the coffee out of his eyes, disgusted. He let out a strained growl as the drink burned him. 

"You son of a bitch," Percy hissed. "How could you?" 

Tanner raised an eyebrow curiously. "Whatever do you mean?" 

"You lying son of a---you know what I mean." Percy jabbed him in the chest, looking disgusted when his finger got all soggy. 

"Oh," Tanner said, drawing out the 'o' part. "The video?" 

Percy's eyes flashed with anger. "Delete it, Tanner, before I cut your goddamn dick off." 

"You'd know all about dicks, wouldn't you? Seeing as you practically rode one." 

At this point, thankfully for Percy, Xavier had covered Carlisle's ears. 

"Percy, calm down," Xavier whispered. 

"You do not have one ounce of influence on me, Xavier. You lost that when you walked out of my life." 

Damn. He was really pissed off. 

So, he brushed past Tanner, going to the Avengers Tower. He left Carlisle with Xavier, because even though he hated him right now, he trusted him. 

Walking out of the elevator, he walked into the living room. 

"You okay?" Bruce asked curiously. They all looked at him. It wasn't every day he walked in, obviously upset about something. 

"Tony, I need to talk to you." 

Tony nodded, walking after him to one of the rooms. "What's up?" 

"How do you delete a video uploaded by another person on a website that is...very well known?" 

Tony blinked. "What'd you do?" 

"There's a video of me. On...a website known for porn." 

Normally Tony would've burst out laughing, but he sensed it was a big deal for the younger. Hell, it'd embarrass him too if he was put on there. 

"Umm, let's go to the lab, I have my computers there." 

Percy nodded, so they went to the lab. 


Percy told him. 

Tony typed it in, looking through the videos with the thumbnails. "This it?" 

Percy looked at it. "Yeah," he mumbled, embarrassed and ashamed. 

"Okay." And with a few clicks, the video had been deleted. "Done. It's gone." 


"Is the actual video gone?" 

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