Chpt. 2: House Arrest--But Not Really

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Happy New Year's!

Third POV

When Andrew and Josh woke up the next day, after staying the rest of the day and night at Octavian's, they were shocked to find Percy gone, along with his car.

Josh called his phone.


"Hey papa, I'm kinda busy right now. If you could call later, that would be fantastic. Okay? Love you!"

Josh hadn't had the opportunity to cut in before the line ended.


Grinding down on one of his best friends, in college, who was also gay, he grinned at Evan, who was in the process of getting groped. Giving a lap dance to his best friend, Matthew, he sucked on his neck, leaving a dark bruise. Evan moved, so he was grinding on Percy's body, along with Matthew's. Feeling a familiar urge, he ignored it until it became absolutely unbearable.

Matthew grinned up at them, running his hands over Percy's thighs. Percy shivered internally, ignoring it, as he thrust into Matthew's body. He could feel Evan's hard on hitting his back as the other followed his moves. 

"Mmm, God you two are amazing," Matthew grunted.

Evan grinned brightly, pushing Percy off of Matthew's lap, grinding down harder on him, shaking his ass in front of him. Matthew moved, so he was on top of Evan, smirking down at him. 

Percy watched intently. 

"Aren't you going to join?" Evan teased, half serious. 

Percy shrugged. "I think watching's enough for me right now." 

"Whatever you want." 

And so, Percy found himself watching as his best friends had sex, kinda like what Luke and someone else did. But not. Because Luke went all the way. There was no redemption for him.


Sitting on his bed, curled into Derek's side, Percy tucked his head away, tears flowing. Derek hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. 

"I've got you," Derek whispered, kissing his temple. Percy shook with sobs, burying himself further in his best friend's arms. 

Tugging his sweater hem further down on his hands, Percy reached up and brushed away his tears. Derek watched carefully as Percy pulled back, crossing his legs and he shifted on Derek's lap. 

"I hate it...I hate myself," Percy whispered.

"Honey, don't say that. Alright, I know you're going through a rough patch right now, but it'll be fine later. Alright? And if not, you know I'll always be here to comfort you. So will AJ." 

Percy nodded slowly. 



"Do you love AJ?" Derek noticed that when he said this, he sounded a million times smaller, or younger. 

"Yeah, I do. A lot." 

"Did Luke even love me? Is that why he cheated on me? Because he didn't love me...?" 

Derek winced, frowning. "Perce...I don't know what's wrong with him. I don't seemed like he loved you. I don't know why he would've..." Derek trailed off. "You know what? He doesn't matter. Because you're now a single man, right? And there's a million plus people in the world. Alright? Gotta find someone else, yeah?" 

"Der...I loved him. I can't move on that easily." 

"It'll take time, I'm sure. But you'll be able to do it. Everyone deals with a breakup. You're strong, Perce. You can do this." 

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