Chpt. 15: 'Sup Fam?

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Josh parked the car in front of the Tower. They all piled out, Percy and Derek last. Percy frowned, a bit nervous. Derek noted this, obviously. 

He held his hand, squeezing it reassuringly when he noticed how pale Percy looked. "You ready?" he asked when Andrew, Josh and Carlisle walked into the building. 

"I dunno," Percy answered. 

"It'll be fine, just so you know." 

"I know...I'm just nervous." 

"And it's reasonable. But we'll all be here for you." 

Percy nodded slowly. 

"Come on," Derek smiled, tugging his hand gently. So Derek and Percy got out of the car. They walked into the building, Derek leading their way. 

Derek held his hand, smiling softly when he noticed how affected he was. Percy felt nervous. He didn't really want to have to face it all again. He'd already screwed up his life, and now he had to face facts.

"Calm down," Derek murmured. "They're still the same people." 

"But they know me. They knew who I was before and they know how badly I messed up." 

"Perce. Everybody screws up. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's a part of life. You have to be able to get over your mistakes and learn from them, because that's what life's about. Growing and changing and experiencing things. If they're going to judge you, they'd be total hypocrites because each and every one of them has dealt with mistakes in their life. And I'll call them out on it. Don't think I won't." 

Percy smiled at him. 

"Thanks, Der." 

"You're welcome. Now, come on. Let's get to it!" 

So when the door opened, he clutched Derek's hand tighter. They went into the living room, where everyone was. Percy ran a hand through his hair nervously. 

And he spoke the first thing that came to mind. "'Sup fam?" 

Tony broke out in laughter, and everyone else had a smile on their face. "Naturally, the first thing to say after a year of going quiet," Tony grinned. 

Derek laughed, wrapping an arm around Percy's shoulders. "See? It's not so bad." 

Percy shrugged. "I guess not. So...What's up?" 

Peter jumped in, literally, through the balcony. 

"You're back!?" 

Then Percy was crushed in a hug, nearly stumbling as one of his crutches fell to the floor. Derek picked it up, smirking slightly. 

"Hey, where's your leg?" Peter questioned curiously. 

"Oh, uh, I strained the muscle a bit too much, so now I can't really walk with my prosthetic on. Doctor's orders."

Peter nodded, frowning. "That sucks. Does it hurt?" 

"A bit. But it just feels normal, I guess." 


"So how hard was it to convince him to come back?" Tony asked Josh. 

"Extremely hard. But after an incident blew over, he changed his mind pretty quickly." 

"What happened?"

"A jealous friend and a gun." 

Tony's eyes widened. "Jesus..."

Percy smiled as Peter and Bruce talked to him. His phone started ringing again. 

"I've gotta answer this. I'll be back." He walked into the hall a bit more, answering it. "Hello?" 

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