Chpt. 14: Back To Real Life

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After the whole shebang with Malik and Liam, Josh and Andrew insisted that Percy would return home with them.

And, as sad as he was to leave Liam, Jessica and Jared, he he realized that it would be best if he went home.

He'd talked to his professors, who thankfully liked him, and would record the lessons and send them to him. So that way he could still get all the information he needed.

He even quit his job. Riding home with his parents, he sat in the back of the car as Carlisle and Derek sat by him. Josh drove with Andrew in the passenger's seat.

Percy felt his phone chiming occasionally.

He opened it up, reading the texts.

Lau: [image attached] heard you were moving boi

Lau: gunna miss u

Lau: you were a gr8 tutor

Percy rolled his eyes, smiling a bit.

Percy: bye lau

Percy: you'll do gr8 things if u try

Percy: so get on with your life 🙃

He turned his phone off, putting it in his pocket.

"You ready to face the world?" Derek asked him quietly.

Percy, who was silent, shook his head.

"Luke's long gone," Derek informed him, wondering if that was what was bothering him. "If that's what you were dreading."

"I'm over him," Percy said honestly. "I don't really care about him at all anymore."

Derek nodded to himself.

"So, what's been happening in your life, kiddo?" Percy asked Carlisle.

"Not much, but I did find something out!"

"What was it?"

"A kid in my class, Oliver Jackden, is a total jerk to everyone! And guess what I found out."


"His parents argue all the time, and he gets hurt by them sometimes."

Percy frowned, looking over at Carlisle. "Have you said anything to him about it?"

"Yeah. He keeps blowing me off each time. He won't let me talk to him."

Percy bit his lower lip. This was something very serious. "How long have you known?"

"A week or so."

Percy nodded. Taking out his phone, he dialed a familiar number. "Hey, Chase, it's me, Percy. Call me back when you get the time. Thanks." Percy met Chase a while ago, roughly about seven months ago. He had met him when he first moved into the apartment--Chase was Liam's uncle. Jessica's brother.

The two had hit it off, and Percy began to help him more with his job when he heard anything about a kid being hurt or anything of the sort. Chase worked with the adoption services, and helped find kids a new home. Percy initially hated the whole ordeal when he was young, but that was only because he was pretty hateful as a kid.

After a few minutes, his phone rang.

"Hey, sorry about that, I was a bit occupied with trying not to rip off this kid's head from his damn shoulders-"

"Whoa, man, chill. Is it that Jordan kid?"

"Yes, and I'm tempted to dump his ass in the fucking holding cell-"

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