Chpt. 19: Bad Boy.

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A month had passed before Percy was finally able to use both of his legs again. Upon being able to use his prosthetic leg, he went down to the cafe on the corner with Carlisle. He ordered their drinks, going to sit down by the window.  

Carlisle was talking to Percy about his school work, mainly. 

"-a boy in my class said so."

"Really?" Percy asked. Carlisle nodded vigorously. 

"He's mean."

"What's his name?"

"Jacky Daniel." 

"Hmm," Percy muttered, frowning. He looked out the window, thinking deeply about a way to stop these kids from harassing Carlisle. He was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't even hear Carlile talking. Carlisle poked his arm, drawing his attention. "What?" 

"Look who came back!" he exclaimed, looking at the man by him. Percy looked over and saw Xavier standing there. Percy blinked. 

"You-" Percy started, then shook his head. 

"I'm back?" Xavier offered helplessly. 


"So...Uh, what's been up?" Xavier questioned quietly. 

"Not much. You?" 

"I moved." 

"Moved where?" 

"New York." 

"Oh.  I see." 

"Um. Can I join you guys?" Xavier asked. 

Percy nodded. Xavier sat down by them. 

"What's really been up with you?" Xavier questioned him. 

"Um...Well, I left. Obviously. I came back a month or so ago. I tore the muscles in my leg," he answered, looking at his leg with the prosthetic on. 

"Ouch...Is it all better?" 

"Yeah. I had to be on crutches for a month. That sucked. Thankfully, my family's been here to help me a lot." He shot a smile to Carlisle, who grinned, the warm foam outlining his mouth. Percy grinned, shaking his head as he used a napkin to wipe it off. 

"Sorry to hear you got hurt."

"'s okay." 

Xavier frowned, nodding anyways. "How're you, kiddo?" he asked Carlisle.

Percy felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. So he left Carlisle and Xavier to talk as he walked outside, standing by the door. "Hello?" 

"You've blocked my number," the voice said. He recognized it instantly as Tanner. 

"Yeah. Why are you so surprised?" 

"I thought we had something," the other joked. "I called to ask a favor." 

"What is it?" 

"Call Conner. I need you to set him in his place. Even at twenty one, he's a total dick to everyone."

"People don't change, Tanny. They might think they do, but they don't. What would you have me say to him?" 

"Just yell at him, hell, I don't know. He's being an asshole to Lila about her being lesbian. And Scotty for being whatever the hell he is. I don't even know anymore. Please, just give him a call. He won't listen to me. And she's not telling the parents." 

Percy subconsciously nodded. "I can do you one better. How bout I catch a flight there pretty soon. Totally unsuspecting. I'll meet you at our spot, yeah?" 

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