Chpt. 26: Hmu?

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You guys even like this book? Because I dunno anymore, I'm tempted to not continue it. Leave a comment about what you think about it. Thank you! 


Percy sat patiently on the chair, waiting for an explanation from Chase. Josh and Andrew were standing behind him, arms crossed. Derek sat on the other chair, legs crossed. 

"So why is it that you two know each other?" Josh asked, forgetting the reason. 

"He's Jessica's brother," Percy explained, biting his lower lip. 


"It's a long story," Percy mumbled, eyes fleeting over to Chase. He didn't really want to spill about the entire first meeting. Chase snorted laughter, making Percy embarrassed. 

In truth, it dealt with Percy losing all of his clothes in his apartment. Thank you Jessica! And so, he had stormed over, fresh out of the shower, only wearing a towel, mad. And as it turned out, Chase had been babysitting that day. 

And their dog just so happened to bite the towel, running away with it. 

"First impressions are always something, huh?" Chase laughed quietly. 

"Oh don't tell me I was worse! You were equally bad!" 

"Uh-huh, but at least I was wearing clothes." 

"Like those booty shorts? Honestly, Chase, booty shorts and a corset. Could you get any worse for a first impression?"

Chase grinned, sticking his tongue out. "Could've been more de-clothed. That would've scared the hell out of you." 

"It wouldn't be the first time I've had a restraining order on someone," Percy muttered darkly. 

"Hey! People have met in worse situations before." 


", should I be worried?" Derek asked cautiously, softly to Percy. 

"Nah," Percy replied honestly. "He's all bark no bite." 

"OH HO! Percy's both though. I've seen his lovers after a drunken night of fun. It's something else," Chas exclaimed, making the other beet red, jaw dropping. 

And suddenly Percy was straddling Chase's lap, hand on his throat. Chase snorted. 

"And you said you didn't like me." 

"And you said you were straight." 

"I am, I am."

"And I don't like you. Never will, asshole." 

Chase looked at Derek. "You're his boyfriend?" 


"Do me a favor and get him off my lap. I don't like touching trash." 

"Bitch rude!" Percy exclaimed. 

"Suck it," Chase growled in return. 

"I'm sorry, small objects are a choking hazard."

Chase's eyes flew wider, shocked with the retort. Derek picked Percy off his lap, arms around his waist. 

"You little turd! Where'd you hear that, huh? That was smart, but not your level of smarts-" 

"You'd be in good shape if you ran as fast as your mouth does." 

Chase burst out laughing. "True. True. Where are all these roasts coming from?" 

"I don't know. Last time it hit hard when I was still talking to Luke. As a friend." 


"Here's what I sent him." 

I just found a great pic of you. <Penny image attached>

Tf am I a penny? 

You're two faced and in everyone's pants.

Chase burst out laughing. He scrolled through the rest of the texts, his expression changing dramatically.

"Damn. Even I wouldn't say something like that to you," Chase muttered. Lips pursed, he read more. "Fucking asshole deserved what he got--and more."

"What did he say?" Derek asked curiously.

"More than a few hintings of suicide. Starting to think Alan was better," Chase spat with anger and disgust.

Percy eyed Chase. The others eyed Percy, anticipating a reaction.

Chase met Percy's eyes, them communicating silently.

"You guys know," Chase said quietly to the others. Turning his attention to Percy, he asked a question no one had asked him before. "Did Luke ever hit you?"

Percy bit his lip, eyes flicking nervously around. "No."

"Was he worse than Alan?"

Percy was silent.

"Percy. Was he worse?" he repeated.

"At emotionally torturing me. Yeah. We did get into an argument. It got a bit physical, but not too bad. Not Alan bad."

Chase narrowed his eyes. "And he made you feel pretty shitty about yourself, right?"

Percy nodded.

"Then you were in an abusive relationship. Twice."

Percy's heart sank. To think he'd been fooled twice.

"So," Chase turned to Derek. "You're the new bf. Swear to whatever higher power it is you believe in, Derek, that you will never hurt him. For if you do, hurt him, not even god himself could stop me."

Percy shuddered internally. Chase hugged Percy tightly.

"Promise me, if this ever happens again, I will hear of it."

Percy nodded. He promised all of them that he would tell. Because it suddenly dawned on him how important it was to tell his family everything. 

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