Chpt. 7: To face the music

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Sitting in the car with Bri, Percy looked out the window, watching as snow fell easily. 

"Do I want to know what lead you to winding up here?" 

Percy remained silent.

"M'kay...That's fine. We're going to the tower, just so ya know." 

Percy's eyes widened--he didn't know she would be this adamant on getting him home. But evidently she was. 

"Why the tower? Why not to my parents'?" 

"Because they're at the tower. You'd know if you'd talked to them recently." 

Ouch. As mush as it hurt, it was true. 

"And you talked to them?" he asked. 

"Yeah--constantly. Especially when you called." 

"I see." 

They drove in silence for the rest of way. 


Parking in front of the Avenger's tower, Bri narrowed her eyes at him as he refused to get out of the car. 

"Get out," she said. 

"Make me." 

She glared, unbuckling and climbing into his seat, straddling him and unbuckling him. Then, she opened the door and shoved him out. "Don't test me, asshole!" she growled. 

His expression was stony. 

When she managed to get him into the elevator, he glared. 

"Why?" he hissed. 

"Because you need to get back to your family. And even if you don't want it to happen--it's going to. So suck it the hell up." 

Crossing his arms, he clenched his jaw. When the ding signified their arrival, she forcefully pushed him out and into the living room. 

All eyes turned on them. 

"Percy! You're home!" Andrew cried, running over and hugging him tightly. 

Percy didn't hug back. He stood there, arms at his sides. His mind was in another place--as he was wishing he was. 

"Hey kiddo," Josh whispered, hugging him for a second before pulling away. 


Percy's mind slipped even further away. 

"And if helps any, here..."

"What's this?" the other whispered, fingering the white paper. 

"My number. Call it if you want. Or not." 

Xavier narrowed his eyes, catching onto the playful tone. "Maybe I will. Or maybe I'll find some other hot people~"

"None like me. I'm the greatest." 

"You..." Xavier chuckled quietly. "You're not wrong." 

Percy grinned, wrapping his arms around Xavier's neck as he stood on his tip-toes. "I'm gonna feel bad for leaving you and your family." 

"You have to go at some point," Xavier pointed out. "You can't just stop living your life for me. That'd be stupid." 

"I like doing stupid things." 

"Like what?" 

"Like this," Percy whispered before kissing him, his fingers tightening in Xavier's curls. Xavier grinned, lifting him up and carrying him to his twin sized bed. 

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