Chpt: 13: Liam Little

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The next day, Percy woke up extra early, at 3:30 a.m. Slipping out of his bed, he walked into his bathroom. Brushing his teeth, he put on some deodorant. Then, walking out of his apartment quietly, he went to Jessica's and Jared's. 

He used the key they had given him to open the door. He went inside, sitting down on the couch and turned on the TV. Jared had already left for work, so Jessica was getting ready as he watched the news. 

"What time are you getting back?" Percy called out when she walked in the room. 

"Probably around 3ish. Jared's gonna be back around five." 

"M'kay. Want me to get him lunch?" 

"If that's alright with you...I'd really appreciate it." 

"No problem, I'm glad to help." 

"Thanks again," she grinned as she slipped out of the room to go to work. Percy smiled to himself as he relaxed on the couch, eyes drooping. About fifteen minutes later, a small boy with brown hair and brown eyes toddled out of his room. 

"Hey kiddo," Percy smiled, stirring from his dozing session. 

Liam didn't say anything, just climbed onto the couch with Percy, cuddling up to him. Percy was quick to get used to this, as the boy was rather comfortable with touching so much. So this was fine for the adult. The boy was merely four. 

Percy hugged him, pulling a blanket over him. "Go to sleep, Liam." 

Liam nodded tiredly, closing his eyes. 


At eight in the morning, Percy woke up the boy. He helped him get dressed, brush his teeth and got him breakfast. This was something they were both used to, so it was no big deal for either of them. 

He grinned as Liam talked to him about school and how he was learning so many cool things. There was a knock on the door. 

Percy narrowed his eyes. "Lee-Lee, go in the other room." The little boy looked up at him, scared as he ran and hid in his room. 

"Who is it?" Percy called, hand wrapping around the metal bat Jared had by the door. 


"Go away." 

"Percy, please, just let me talk to you." 

He looked through the little hole in the door. It was Malik. And he didn't appear to have anything on him. 

Cautiously, Percy opened the door. But that was his mistake as the man rushed in, pushing past him and aimed a gun at him. Percy blinked, still on his crutches. 

"Why?" he asked boldly.

"You hurt me, Percy...And now I'm gonna hurt you." 

Percy nodded slowly. 

Then the little boy he had been babysitting decided to run in, hitting Malik in the leg with his Nerf gun. Percy immediately reacted when Malik aimed the gun at the boy. Before anyone knew it, the metal bat hit Malik in the face, making him fall to the ground. 

Disregarding his already torn thigh muscles, he grabbed Liam and ran to his apartment, slamming the door shut and locking it.

"Der! Der, wake up!" he shouted, crying as he heard Malik outside the door. Everyone was now awake. 

"What's going on?!" Derek asked, nervous from his best friend's panic. 

"He's got a gun," he sobbed, clutching Liam tighter to himself. 

Josh and Derek looked at each other nervously. 

"Do you have anything heavy?" Derek asked. 

"There's a gun in my bedroom, in the closet," Percy said, tears running down his cheeks. Derek nodded, going into the bedroom. 

Andrew took Percy, Liam and Carlisle to the safest room, the bathroom, and tried to reassure them that everything would be okay. 

Josh joined them minutes after. 

They were silent as they heard the door open and shut. Then there were were bullets sounding. Three fired bullets. 

Percy sobbed even more, terrified that he had a friend who tried to kill them. Josh went out first to make sure Derek was okay. Andrew held Percy and the boys tightly. 

"It was Malik," Josh reassured them as he opened the door. They all crawled out. Derek stood by the door, gun in hand. Percy set Liam on the floor before running over, grabbing his best friend in a tight hug. 

Derek held Percy tightly, glaring out the door at the body. 

He had shot him twice. Malik shot once, but missed, thank god. Derek, however, hit him in both knees. Then he took his gun from him to be sure. 

"I'm calling the police," Andrew muttered, leaving to do that. 

Derek held Percy for the longest time, just reassuring him that he was okay. Josh held Carlisle and Liam back from the door, in case anything were to happen.

"I'm so sorry," Percy whispered, tears in his eyes as he clung to Derek.

"It's alright. It's fine, Percy," Derek murmured, feeling the tears fall onto his shoulder. "You're safe."

Soon, police arrived at the scene. Derek talked to them about what happened. And Josh was going to ensure that Derek wouldn't get charged.

Percy held Liam, seeing as Andrew didn't really know him. Liam was worried, and a bit scared. Mostly, he had to go potty though.

"Percy?" his small voice called out. Percy looked at him curiously. "I hafta potty."

"Okay. We'll be back," Percy informed Andrew before going to the bathroom with him. He set the boy on the floor. Liam climbed on the toilet, going potty.

Percy occupied himself by brushing his teeth. When Liam was done, Percy lifted him up to reach the sink. Liam washed his hands under the faucet. Percy smiled, carrying him out of the room.

When he returned, it was his turn to be questioned. So he answered any questions they had.

Malik was charged with attempted murder.

When everything calmed down, Percy sat on his couch with Liam on his lap, Carlisle by his side, snuggled up to him, and his parents by Carlisle. Derek sat on the chair.

"Why do you have a loaded gun in your closet?" Derek questioned.

"Never know what could happen," Percy mumbled.

"So who're you?" Josh smiled, looking at Liam.

"I'm Liam," Liam replied shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Liam. I'm Percy's papa--Josh."

Liam smiled, hugging Percy. Percy smiled to himself, moving an arm so he could repay the hug.

"Mommy and daddy gonna be upset," Liam muttered.

"Lee-Lee, they're gonna be worried about you. That's all, okay? Don't freak out."

They might never let me see him again, Percy thought to himself sadly.

Liam Little was by far one of the cutest things he had ever seen. And babysat. He didn't want to not be able to do that anymore.

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